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Guides - Services as items

Services as items

Before the cash register system can be used for managing payment for services, each service must be created as an item in the item database.
It is not possible to pay for a service that has not been created as an item with an item number.

A service can be created as an item under the settings of the individual service. Under the 'General Settings' tab, you assign the service to the Cash register by manually entering a item number.

When you have entered an item number, more spaces appear as shown in the screenshot. 
If the item number has already been created, it must be written and updated or choose 'Create new item'.
Here you have the possibility to enter your:
  • Item number
  • Product name
  • Price
  • Select a new item group or choose an existing one.
Note the product can consist of both numbers and letters - and then pres 'Create item'.
Remember to press 'Update' next to 'Link service to item' in order to save changes!


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