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Guides - Employees


With GECKO Booking you can easily keep track of your employees and gain an overview of e.g. their working hours, salary statistics, and occupancy rates.

You can access your employees under the settings of the cash register system.

At the bottom of the page you can add a new employee. Enter the name of the employee and press ‘Add employee'. The employee has now been created!

At the top of the page you can see a list of all employees. You have the following options:

  • Name: You can see the name of the employee. If you want to change the name, this is done under 'Edit'.
  • Edit: You can edit the employee (See Edit employee for more information).
  • Working hours: You can see and change the employee's working hours (See Working hours for more information).
  • Salary statistics: You can see how many hours the employee is entitled to receive salary for (See Salary statistics for more information).
  • Statistics: You can view statistics of the employee's occupancy rate (See Statistics for more information).
  • Active: You can determine whether the employee should be active. Newly created employees are automatically active.
  • Shop assistant: You can determine whether the employee is a shop assistant, i.e. whether the employee can be chosen as a shop assistant in the cash register. Using shop assistants allows you to keep track of who has serviced a particular customer. The shop assistant is the person who has received the customer's payment whereas the employee is the person who has performed the service the customer is paying for. It is therefore possible that the same customer is serviced by two different persons, a shop assistant and an employee. On the other hand, a customer can be serviced by one person only if the employee and the shop assistant is the same person. Under the settings of the cash register, it is possible to set that a shop assistant and/or an employee must be chosen before the receipt can be completed (See Cash register(s) for more information).
  • Delete: You can delete the employee. If the employee is linked to a calendar, the calendar is not deleted when the employee is deleted.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

When you create a new employee, the employee is created without being linked to a calendar. If you have a calendar that represents this employee, it is recommended that you link the employee to the calendar.
It is only when this is done that e.g. occupancy rates can be calculated.

An employee and a calendar are linked under the settings of the calendar in question.

You can choose which employee should be linked to the chosen calendar. Remember to press ‘Update'. After completing the linkage, the cash register will automatically recognise the employee when you go from a booking in the calendar to the cash register.

However, all employees do not need to be linked to a calendar. If you have employees who do not perform services and therefore do not have a calendar, these employees can be created without being linked to a calendar. Under the settings of the cash register system, you can create working hours for these employees so that GECKO Booking can be used to keep track of how many hours these employees should receive salary for. However, statistics are only relevant for the employees who are linked to a calendar.


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