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Guides - Edit employee

Edit employee

You can edit the settings of an employee by pressing ‘Edit' opposite the desired employee on the employee overview.

You have the following options:

  • Name: You can edit the name of the employee.
  • Active: You can determine whether the employee is active.
  • Shop assistant?: You can determine whether the employee is a shop assistant, i.e. whether the employee can be chosen as a shop assistant in the cash register system (See Employees for more information).
  • Exempt from VAT: You can determine whether the employee is exempted from paying VAT of his/her services as is the case in certain industries. When an employee exempt from VAT is chosen in the cash register system, an item ticked as ‘Exempt from VAT' will be listed with a VAT of 0 GBP on the receipt (See Edit item for more information). If an employee not exempt from VAT is chosen, the same item will be listed inclusive of VAT even though ‘Exempt from VAT' is activated on the item. This means that the item always costs the same for the customer regardless of which employee (s)he is serviced by, the difference is whether your company must pay VAT of the item.
  • Access to: You can determine which cash registers the employee should have access to. This can be used if you have multiple locations and therefore multiple cash registers and you do not want an employee from one location to have access to a cash register at another.

Remember to press ‘Update employee' in order to save any changes!

Please note! If an employee has not been chosen when the receipt is completed, the cash register system will use the VAT settings of the item. This means that if an item is ticked as being exempt from VAT, it will be listed as having a VAT of 0 GBP if no employee has been chosen.


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