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Guides - Working hours

Working hours

You can create working hours for all your employees even if an employee is not linked to a calendar. You can therefore use GECKO Booking to keep track of how many hours your employees are entitled to receive salary for. The employees' working hours can be accessed under the settings of the cash register system > 'Employees' > 'Show working hours'. 

In order to create working hours, you must choose which work type the working hours should be created with. Please note that this requires that the use of work types has been activated (See Work types for more information). It is not possible to create bookable working hours here. If you want to create bookable working hours, this must be done under the calendar to which the employee is linked. The work types between which you can choose are created under the settings of the cash register system (See Work types for more information).

In order to create working hours that are operative in all weeks, you must then choose at least one day on which the working hours should be operative and choose the period in which the working hours should be created. The weekdays are per default not marked. To the right you will find two links to help choose the weekdays. All days choses all weekdays, while business days only choses the business days. With regards to the period, you here need to enter the time the working hours should be from and to. Here you can also create one or more intervals. The intervals can be used to insert a fixed break, e.g. a lunch break – In this case Interval 1 could be 9:00-12:00 and Interval 2 could be 12:30-15:00. However, in order to create working hours, only one interval is necessary. Press ‘Create working hours' and the working hours have been created! The working hours can now be viewed under ‘Existing working hours', and you have the option of adding additional working hours if you so desire.

You also have the option of creating working hours with a period restriction, e.g. if you in a certain period want to have longer opening hours than normal. In order to create period restricted working hours, tick the box ‘Period restriction', enter the period to which the working hours should be restricted, and then follow the procedure explained above.

Please note! If an employee is linked to a calendar, it is recommended that you create the employee's working hours under the working hours of the calendar. Working hours created via the cash register system are not transferred to the calendar and they cannot be booked by customers or via quick book. Creating working hours under the settings of the cash register system should therefore be used only for employees who are not linked to a calendar.

At the bottom part of the page you can see a list of all working hours that are operative in a particular period. By default, working hours operative in the current month are shown, but you can search for working hours that are operative in another period by using the search spaces. Remember to press ‘Update view' in order to complete the search. You can see a number of information about the existing working hours. In addition, you can edit the working hours by pressing ‘Edit' opposite the desired working hours.

You have the following options:

  • Employee: You can see the name of the employee to whom the working hours belong.
  • Calendar: You can see which calendar the employee is linked to.
  • Customer group: You can see which customer group the working hours were made for.
  • Period restriction: You can restrict the period in which the working hours are operative.
  • Day(s): You can determine which day(s) the working hours should be operative on.
  • Priority: You can change the priority of the working hours – The higher the priority of the working hours, the greater the importance of them. This means that if multiple working hours have been created that affect the same time, the working hours that have the highest priority will win. It does not matter what numbers are chosen as the priorities, as the booking system only cares about how the numbers relate to each other. The priority is often determined by the work type of the working hours.
  • Time: You can see the time period in which the working hours are operative.
  • Operative weeks: You can choose which weeks the working hours should be operative in. By default all weeks are active (highlighted in green), but you can deactivate certain weeks (highlighted in red) by removing the tick at the desired week(s). Remember to press ‘Update'. The current week is highlighted in grey. Operative weeks are reused at the turn of the year unless the working hours are period restricted. Even though you have created period restricted working hours, all weeks will be shown as being operative. However, this has no effect, as it is the period restriction the system uses.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!

Please note that it is not possible to edit the time or the work type of the working hours. If this is wrong, you need to create new working hours and delete the original. At the bottom right corner, it is possible to delete the working hours by pressing 'Delete working hours'. Deleting the working hours does not affect bookings already made in the working hours in question.


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