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Guides - Cash register check

Cash register check

You have many options in GECKO Booking's Cash Register Add-On, and a risk therefore exists that errors in the set-up can occur. You can quickly see whether any errors exist in your set-up.

At the top of the page you can see a list of items sold without being in an item group. You can move the item to an item group by ticking the box ‘Tick' opposite the desired item and then choosing which item group the item should be moved to. Remember to press ‘Update item group' in order to save you change! By pressing ‘Tick all items associated with a service' you can moved these to an item group. You have the same option by pressing ‘Tick all items associated with a service addition'. If you want to delete any ticked items, tick the box ‘Delete chosen items' and press ‘Delete chosen items'.

At the bottom of the page you can see items sold in the cash register in the last two months without use of an item number or with an unknown item number/item group. As the item has not been created correctly in the system, it is recommended that the item is created again and/or an item number is added.


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