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Guides - Items


In order to use GECKO Booking's cash register system to manage payment for services and products, these must be created as items. ‘Items' therefore refer to everything that is sold via the cash register system including vouchers, services, and regular products. For more information about creating your services as items see Services as items. You can access your items under the settings of the cash register system.

At the top of the page you can search for items.

You can search for items in a particular item group and/or items from a particular supplier. In addition, you have the option of entering an item number or an item name if you are searching for a particular item. When you have entered the desired search criteria, press ‘Search'. All items that match the search criteria are the shown in the item overview. You have the following options:

  • Item number: You can see the item number of the item. Please note that this can only be changed under the settings of the item (See Edit item for more information).
  • Name: You can see the name of the item. Please note that this can only be changed under the settings of the item (See Edit item for more information).
  • Price: You can see the price of the item. Please note that this can only be changed under the settings of the item (See Edit item for more information).
  • Edit: You can edit the settings of the item (See Edit item for more information).
  • Active: You can determine whether the item should be active. When an item is active, it can be purchased via the cash register system. Please note that when you create a new item, it is inactive by default, i.e. all items must be activated before they can be purchased.
  • Delete: You can delete an item.
  • Stock: If you have activated the use of a stock and also have activated the stock on the item list, you can see the stock status of the item. The two features can be activated under ‘Advanced settings' -> ‘Back-end' -> ‘Stock' (See the guide Main guide for more information). You can determine how many copies of the item you always min want to have in stock, how many items should be ordered when less than the minimum amount exists, and how many items are in stock at present. When an item is purchased via the cash register system, the stock is automatically updated. This means that the number of items in stock only should be changed when a status has been made or when new items have been ordered and received (See Stock for more information).
  • Tick: By ticking an item here, you can move the item to a different item group in the drop-down list under 'Move ticked items to item group'. Remember to press ‘Move ticked' when you have ticked the desired item(s) and chosen the desired item group.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

In the middle of the page you can add a new item.

This is done by pressing the blue button 'Create new item'. Next, a window will pop up, where you must enter the name of the item and if necessary, place it in an item group. Finally, you should press 'Create item'. The item has now been created, and you will automatically be transferred to a page at which you can edit the settings of the item. Please note that it is very important that you edit the item here as the item otherwise contains no information besides the name (See Edit item for more information).

Please note! If you need to add a number of items to GECKO Booking at the same time and you already have these items in an electronic format, you can import these items to GECKO Booking. This way you avoid having to add and edit all items manually (See Import items for more information).


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