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Guides - Close cash register

Close cash register

In most companies, a work day ends by balancing the cash register. In GECKO Booking, this is called to close the cash register

When you press 'Close cash register', you can see an overview of all payments and disbursements that have been completed in the cash register system. If you have multiple cash registers, you can choose the desired cash register at the top right corner. Next to this button you can press 'Show receipts in cash register'. By doing so, you can search for receipts that are completed in a specific cash register. This will typically be useful if the cash register balancing is not correct and you need to search for errors in the receipts in the cash register. 

Under 'Today's sales' you can see today's sales of items inclusive of VAT and today's sales of items that are exempted from VAT.

Under 'Today's other payments' you can view other received payments including sale of gift vouchers. Please note that MultiPass vouchers and discount voucher are registered under ‘Today's sale' as the VAT rules are different for gift vouchers.

At the bottom of the page you can see an overview of 'Today's disbursements' and you can balance the cash register. Disbursements include all purchases made with credit cards and vouchers as well as outlays made in the cash register system. At the left you can see the amount that has been disbursed as calculated by the cash register system. The disbursements are counted, and the counted values are entered in the spaces to the right.
However, you can lock the spaces to the right, so they cannot be edit when the box is closed (see more here How to lock payment types.

For a further description of each of the spaces that you find under 'Account numbers for item groups', 'Account numbers for payment types' and 'Additional account numbers' and that can be used for setting up a cash balance export, see this .   

Opposite 'Bank (counted)' under 'Today's disbursements', the cash amount (i.e. cash sales) that is deposited in the bank is entered. Please note that it is often not all cash in the cash register that should be deposited in the bank as a cash balance for the next day often should remain (See below). In order to ease the counting of the cash, press (C) after which a pop-up window containing a counter appears. This counter is described under the guide item ‘Open cash register' (See Open cash register for more information).

The remaining cash is then counted. Preferably, this cash balance should be consistent with the amount opposite ‘Calculated cash balance night'. The counted amount is entered opposite ‘COUNTED cash balance night'. The counted cash balance is the cash that should be in the cash register the next morning.

Please note! Cash in the cash register should therefore be divided into two: One amount must be counted as the cash that should remain in the cash register for the next morning and another amount should be deposited in the bank. Different companies count cash differently. A common way is to do so in the reversed order of what has been described here: The cash balance for the next day is counted first and the remaining cash is counted as the cash that should be deposited in the bank.

At the bottom opposite 'Difference', you can see the difference between the computer calculated and the counted amount. A difference of 0 GBP is aimed for, however, human error can occur so that the difference is not the desired.

If there contrary to expectation should be a difference and thereby a difference in the amount calculated by the cash register system and the counted amount, there will be a red exclamation mark to right of 'Today's disbursements'. 

It is possible to state which employee, who has closed the cash register. This can be optional, otherwise you can mark opposite 'Force 'closed by' when closing cash register' to make it required. You do this by going to 'Cash register' -> 'Settings' -> Cash register(s)'.

Furthermore, the one who closes the cash register can add a comment to the cash register balance, that e.g. explains why there is a difference. This is done opposite 'Closing Note' at the bottom of the page.

When the cash register has been balanced, 'Close cash register' is pressed. The cash register has now been closed and changes can no longer be made. The cash register statement is archived along with receipts etc. Cash register statements, receipts etc. can be reprinted under the menu item ‘Statistics' (See Statistics for more information). Under 'Cash register' -> 'Statistics' -> 'Cash register statements' there will now be an icon opposite a specific statement, if there were added a note to the cash register balance when closing the cash register. 

Please note! GECKO Booking is not an accounting system. If you are in doubt about how to record something, please contact your accountant.


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