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Guides - Open cash register

Open cash register

Before the cash register system can be used, a cash register must be opened. You can active the system to show the last ultimo cash balance on open cash register. You can activatePayments can only be completed in an open cash register. By default, you can have as many open cash registers at the same time as desired. However, it is possible to set that only one cash register can be open at a time. This is done under the settings of the cash register (See Cash register(s) for more information).

If you have multiple cash registers, you can choose the desired cash register at the top right corner. Afterwards, you need to count how much cash the cash register contains before it is opened. You can choose to enter the cash amount directly in the space or you can press (C). By doing so, a counter is opened which can ease the counting of the cash balance.

By pressing (C), the window shown in the screenshot will pop up.

You can enter the amount of each unit after which the system will calculate the total amount. Press ‘Transfer amount' and the amount is automatically transferred to the space.

When the cash balance has been entered, press 'Open cash register'. The cash register has now been opened and you are automatically transferred to the cash register itself.

Please note! Every time you open a new cash register, the cash register is assigned an ID, a cash register number. By default, GECKO Booking automatically assigns cash register numbers to your cash registers, however, you can choose to set your own numbers. This could be used if you switch to using GECKO Booking after having used a different system and you want to continue using the same sequence of cash register numbers. The use of own cash register numbers must be activated under ‘Advanced settings' > ‘Back-end' > ‘Cash register numbers' (See the guide Main guide for more information).


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