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Guides - Statistics


Under the menu item ‘Statistics', you can view statistics of purchases made via the cash register system and you can access old cash register statements.

If you have multiple cash registers, you can choose the cash register for which you want to view statistics at the top right corner. You have the following options:

  • Cash register statements: You can access old cash register statements. Enter the period from which you want to view cash register statements and press 'Show period'. You are now transferred to a page containing cash register statements from the chosen period. See Cash register statements for more information.
  • Sold items in period (shop assistant): You can view statistics of items sold by your shop assistants. Enter the period in which you want to view sold items (shop assistant) and press 'Show period'. You are now transferred to a page containing an overview of sold items (shop assistant) in the chosen period. See Sold items in period (shop assistant) for more information.
  • Sales statistics in period (shop assistant): You can view sales statistics for your shop assistants. Enter the period for which you want to view sales statistics (shop assistant) and press ‘Show period'. You are now transferred to a page containing an overview of sales statistics (shop assistant) for the chosen period. See Sales statistics in period (shop assistant) for more information.
  • Sales statistics in period (employee): You can view sales statistics for your employees. Enter the period for which you want to view sales statistics (employee) and press ‘Show period'. You are now transferred to a page containing an overview of sales statistics (employee) for the chosen period. See Sales statistics in period (employee) for more information.


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