Guides - Sold items in period (shop assistant)
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Sold items in period (shop assistant)
You can view a list of which items your shop assistants have sold. You have the option of viewing items sold by a single shop assistant or of viewing items sold by all shop assistants. From: Here you can choose which period you want to view sold items in. Item group: you can choose a particular item group or item subgroup of which you want to view an overview. By ticking the box ‘Do not display items belonging to subgroups', you can choose not to view items belonging to subgroups of the chosen item groups. Therefore, if the box is ticked, you will only see sold items that belong to the particular item group you have chosen. If you do not choose an item group in the drop-down list, you will see all sold items in the chosen period. Opposite Shop assistant: you can choose a particular shop assistant that you want to view items sold by. If you do not choose a shop assistant, you will see a list of all sold items in the chosen period, i.e. items sold of all shop assistants as well as items sold without a shop assistant. Multipas value: Finally, you can determine whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. When you have entered the desired search criteria, press 'Show period'. The list of sold items will now be updated. |