Guides - Debtor overview
Debtor overview
In GECKO Booking you have the option of creating debtors and managing payments from these via the booking system. Please note that the use of invoices must be activated under ‘Advanced settings' > ‘Back-end' > ‘Invoice'. When the use of invoices has been activated, the menu item ‘Debtor overview' will appear in the list that appears when you move the pointer over the menu item ‘Cash register'. At the top of the page you have the option of creating a new debtor. You will be transferred to a page at which you must enter a number of information about the debtor (Please note that all information except EAN number must be filled out). Remember to press ‘Update' in order to create the debtor! When the debtor has been created, you are automatically transferred back to the debtor overview.
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Please note! The debtor overview is by default shown with the debtors who have an outstanding debt. If you wish to see your other debtors as well, you have to remove the tick in the box 'Only debtors with outstanding'. |
Invoices can be created directly in the cash register as payment for e.g. a service or a product. This is done by ticking the box ‘Create as invoice' located under the types of payment. You have the option of searching for a debtor or creating a new debtor directly in the cash register. When you press ‘Complete', the receipt is created as an invoice and can be seen under the postings of the debtor or under 'Invoice list'. Under ‘Invoice overview' you will be able to see an overview of all invoices. At the top of the page you can choose the period you want to see invoices from. Here you can also search the invoice no. if you want to find a specific invoice. Under ‘Choose cash register', you can find invoices that have been created in a specific cash register. When you press 'Show period' a list of invoices that meet your selected criteria will appear below. By pressing the small gray plus sign to the left of each invoice, you will be able to see a preview of the the invoice, where the content is split up in specific invoice lines. You also have the option to open the invoice as a PDF file, by clicking on the icon to the right of the specific invoice. |
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Please note! When you create a new invoice, it is automatically assigned an ID, an invoice number. GECKO Booking automatically assigns invoice numbers to your invoices, however, you can choose to set your own numbers. This could be used if you switch to using GECKO Booking after having used a different system and you want to continue using the same sequence of invoice numbers. The use of own invoice numbers is activated under ‘Advanced settings' > ‘Back-end' > ‘Invoice' (See the guide Main guide for more information). |