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Guides - Automatic settlement

Automatic settlement

With the button 'Automatic settlement' you can create a better overview of your invoices and what the outstanding of these is exactly. 

Show records: After pressing 'Show records' you are able to see a list of all your debtors. You can choose to settle all or some of your debtors invoices automatically. The amount to be settled is to the right under 'Settlement of amount'.  
Debtor ID from - to: You can search for a specific 'Debtor ID'. 
Only amount with a 0-balance​:  If you mark 'Only amount with 0-balance, you will get an overview of debtors with DKK 0 as the outstanding amount.
Only equal amounts​: If you mark 'Only equal amounts' you will only see debtors, if there are invoices and payments that are exactly the same.

When you have choosen what to search after, mark the debtors in the box at the bottom of the page and press the button 'Settle selected debtors'. The system will then settle the invoices and payments of this/these specific debtor(s). 

Please note! The system automatically settles the invoices on your invoice list from the top to the bottom. 

You can also see all the different records for each debtor. You do that under 'Cash register' > Debtor overview' > 'Postings'. If you mark the box 'Show open records', invoices/payments that are not completely settled are shown. You can also choose to setlle specific invoices for specific payments. If you mark 'Show settled records' you will only see settlements of invoices/payments as well as undo settlement of certain postings. You can also put a tick in 'Show payment types' which enables you to see the payment types used for each posting. It will be shown as an extra colomn to the right of 'Type'. It can be ticked off/unticked when you search for postings. 

 If you wish to make a debtor payment for a specific invoice, go to 'Cash register' and press 'Debtor payment' to the right at the bottom of the page. Here, you can search for a particular debtor and enter the amount he/she wants to pay, e.g. DKK 1,000. Under 'Settle payment' you can choose which invoices you want to settle with this payment. Enter the amount that has been paid and press 'Complete'. If there are more invoices connected to the same debtor, they will all be shown under 'Settle payment'. Read more about debtor payments in our FAQ . 

Please note! It is not possible to settle more than the amount on an inovice. If you settle the invoice with only a part of the amount, that has been paid, the rest will appear under 'Remainder' on your debtor list. This is now the amount that needs to be settled.

It is only possible to settle specific invoices in the cash register. 


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