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Guides - Cash register(s)

Cash register(s)

In GECKO Booking, you have the option of having one or more cash registers linked to your account. One cash register is included in the standard solution by default, however, you can purchase multiple cash registers if needed. Multiple cash registers can be necessary if your company is located at multiple locations and you therefore need a cash register at each location. By using multiple cash registers, the information from the different cash registers is kept separate, it is possible to use multiple stocks, and you can have different settings for each cash register.

You can edit the settings of each cash register by pressing ‘Cash register(s)' under ‘Settings'. If multiple cash registers exist, one is chosen from the list. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, press ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page.

By pressing the arrow in the grey bar, you can see and change all settings in the chosen category.


Under 'General' you can change the following general settings:

  • ID: See the ID of the cash register. Your cash register is automatically assigned an ID by GECKO Booking in order to keep the cash registers separated in our system.
  • Name: Edit the name of the cash register. The name is not viewable by customers, but it can be used by you to separate multiple cash registers. For instance, if you have multiple locations and a cash register at each location, the cash registers can be named after the locations, e.g. ‘London' and ‘Birmingham'.

General cash register settings

  • VAT %: State the VAT percentage. If your company is exempted from VAT, 0 is entered in the space.
  • Show with/-out VAT: Determine whether it should be possible to change with/without VAT in the cash register.
  • Discount type: Choose whether discounts should be entered in GBP or in %. By default, all discount spaces in the cash register system indicate a percentage discount.
  • Only invoices: If you tick this, all purchases made in the cash register will always be created as invoices instead of receipts.
  • Split invoice: You can put a tick in this box if you want the option of of splitting up an invoice between the customer and a debtor. In this way, the two parties pay a part of the total amount. The option will be available in the cash register and it is also here you state the amount to be paid by each party. Read more here.  
  • Collect bookings on receipt: Tick this to allow inclusion of all the customer's bookings of the day, when transferring a booking to the cash register.
  • Auto print receipt:  If ticked the print dialog is startet automatically.
  • Auto e-mail receipt / invoice: If ticked, every sale, both by receipt and invoice an email will be sent automatically with either receipt or invoice depending on what was created. It is not possible to differentiate it, so only by invoice and not receipt. This only sends to the customer's email and not to a debtor mail.
  • Send e-mail on sale: If ticked, an email allows to send the content you have writen to the email addresses you entered. You can also set it to send automatically.
    You can use it to Trustpilot for exampel.  

Hardware and add-ons

  • Barcode active: Determine whether the use of barcodes should be active. If you have a barcode reader and enter a barcode on your items, these can easily be scanned.
  • Show no sale button: Activate a 'no sale button' in the cash register, allowing you to complete a no sale receipt, i.e. a receipt without an actual purchase. This feature could e.g. be used if you have a cash register drawer that only opens when a purchase is made. With this feature you can complete an empty receipt, whereby the cash register drawer will open.
  • Activate TrueLink EAN invoice: If this feature is choosen, you can send invoices to the public sector directly from the cash register. This requires an account at TrueLink, that you need to activate via us. Additionally, it is required that you fill in the EAN number, VAT number as well as EAN att. on your debtor information. Read more about this . 
    Notice: you must use the button

Open and close register

  • Verify primo on open cash register: Determine whether the primo cash balance must be verified against the ultimo balance of the last closed cash register.
    You can also choose to show the last ultimo cash balance, when opening the cash register. In case there is a cash difference, you can choose to get a pop-up where you will have to either confirm the difference or change the amount you wish to open the cash register with.
    Moreover, you can choose to receive an SMS if the cash register has been opened with an amount that differs from the ultimo cash balance from the previous day. Any cash difference will be included in the cash register statement of the day and in the export of cash register statement.
  • Extended close cash register: If ticked, online invoices, debtor payments, debtor losses, interest rates and charges can be included in cash register report
  • Send SMS when cash register is closed: Choose to receive a SMS when a cash register is closed. In addition to activating the feature, you must remember to enter at least one mobile number (Multiple numbers are separated with a comma (,)). It is also possible to edit the text in the SMS that is sent, when the cash register is closed. See which substitution codes you can use in the text under substitution codes for the cash register.
  • Show employee sales: Set whether the employee sales statistics should be shown when you close a cash register. The statistics will be shown on the cash register statement that is shown when the cash register has been closed.


  • Force choose customer: Determine whether a customer must be chosen before a purchase can be completed.
  • Force shop assistant: Determine whether a shop assistant must be chosen before a purchase can be completed.
  • Force employee: Determine whether an employee must be chosen before a purchase can be completed.
  • Force open cash register new day: Activate that the system requires a new cash register to be opened after midnight. Thereby, making it impossible to use the same cash register on different dates.
  • Force close cash register before a new can be opened: Activate that the system requires an open cash register to be closed before a new can be opened. This way, you ensure that a cash register is balanced before a new cash register is opened.
  • Force no parked receipts when closing cash register: Activate that a warning pops up if any parked receipts exist, when you close the cash register. Hence, making it impossible to close the cash register before you have either confirmed or deleted the parked receipts.
  • Force 'closed by' when closing cash register: Put a tick here if you wish that it should be noted which employee who closes the cash register. If this is not ticked, it is made optional whether to note this. 
  • Editing of price in item lines allowed: Determine whether it should be possible to edit the 'Price', 'Discount', and 'Total' spaces in the item line. If the box is not ticked, you can only sell items for the standard price.
  • Item no. must exist: If you put a tick here, an item no. must be created before a purchase can be made in the cash register. This means that when you write an item in the item line there must be an item no. attached. If the item does not have an item no. you will get a warning that makes you aware of this. 
  • Editing withdraw amount on vouchers allowed: Tick this to be able to determine the amount that should be withdrawn from the voucher by purchase via the cash register. This could be useful, if the customer, for instance, has a gift voucher for 850 DKK and purchases an item for 100 DKK, but wishes to pay half of the amount in cash. In this case only 50 DKK should be withdrawn from the voucher, instead of the entire amount. Another example could be, if the customer buys an item for 95 DKK, where you will be able to change the amount that should be withdrawn from the voucher to 100 DKK, in order to be able to give the customer 5 DKK back in change.
  • Editing in voucher sum allowed: Determine whether it should be possible to edit the voucher sum in the cash register and on the cash register statement. This could be used if you want to be able to give back change, e.g. if a voucher has a balance of 50 GBP but only 47 GBP should be paid. If this feature has been activated, you can withdraw 50 GBP from the voucher and give the customer 3 GBP in change. Please note! If you have activated the 'Editing in voucher sum allowed'-feature, the extra amount you choose to withdraw besides the required amount is not automatically withdrawn from the voucher. This withdrawal must be done manually on the voucher. If not, the customer will have a voucher with a remaining balance. In the example above, the customer will have a voucher with a value of 3 GBP, but (s)he will also have received 3 GBP in cash.
  • Redeem old voucher: Determine whether it should be possible to redeem expired vouchers in the cash register.
  • Redeem personal voucher for other customer: Determine whether it should be possible for vouchers, belonging to one customer to be redeemed by another customer (for more information about personal vouchers see the separate guide Gift Voucher Add-On).
  • Create and use on same receipt: 
    Sell a voucher via the cash register and simultaneously use it as payment method. This means that if your customer has received a service and afterwards wishes to buy a MultiPass voucher for 10 treatments, you can now sell the voucher to the customer and at the same time detract a pass for the treatment the customer just received.
    When adding a voucher at the register it will be visible right away.
    If you have check-marked the possibility to choose a 'valid from' date for the voucher, this function will be deactivated when used, and the voucher will then be valid from that date. 
    The receipt will show that the service/item is paid with the voucher. Simultaneously the MultiPass has been detracted with 1 pass.

    Please note! If you wish to use the voucher at the purchase, you need to tick it in order to use it. See go to cash register for more information on how to use vouchers in the cash register.

Online orders

  • Cancel not paid online order: Tick this to automatically mark ‘unpaid online orders' as cancelled when they are taken to the cash register and paid there.
  • Take booking to cash register: Activate that changes to the booking are likewise transferred to the cash register, e.g. if you have made changes to the booking in terms of ‘payment by turn up'. Please note! This is only valid for unpaid orders.

Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes!


Under 'Currency' you can activate the use of multiple currencies in the cash register.

  • Primary currency: You cannot change the primary currency yourself. This can only be done by GECKO Booking.
  • Additional currencies: However, you can activate the use of additional currencies by ticking the desired currencies and clicking on 'Update'

If you want to activate the use of multiple currencies, it is recommended that you contact GECKO Booking for an introduction to the use of multiple currencies in GECKO Booking

Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes!

Receipt and invoice information 

Under 'Receipt and invoice information' you can set the following information that are shown on the receipts/invoices that you print for your customers:

  • Address and company information: Edit the address and company information, appearing on your receipts. Please note that you cannot change the VAT number yourself, you must contact GECKO Booking if you wish to change this number. If you start a new company with a new VAT number, a new cash register account for the VAT number in question must be created. Your full company information is still listed at ‘General settings' under the menu item ‘Settings' (see the  main guide for more information), but by editing the information here, you can list different information on receipts from different cash registers. This could be beneficial if your company is divided between multiple locations.
  • Top: Enter a text that will be shown at the top of your receipts.
  • Remarks (shown at the bottom): Enter a text that will be shown at the bottom of your receipts. Please note that you can always change the text wherefore this space can contain a text that should be shown in a temporary period only e.g. in connection with a campaign.
  • Show customer information: Choose whether the customer's information should be shown on the receipt and where the information should be shown.
  • Show customer's social security number: Determine whether the customer's social security number should be shown on the receipt. If you choose not to show customer information, the social security number is not shown either. Please note that the use of social security numbers must be activated under ‘Advanced settings' (see the  main guide for more information).
  • Show the customers future bookings: Determine whether the customer's future bookings should be shown on the receipt.
  • If applicable, show balance of vouchers: Determine whether a remaining balance on a voucher should be shown on the receipt. This way, the customer can see if a balance remains.
  • If applicable, show employee on item line: Determine whether the name of the employee, employing the cash register should be shown on the item line. If multiple items are purchased on the same receipt, the name of the employee will be shown on all item lines, which allows you to choose different employees for each item.
  • Invoice account no.: Insert the registration number and account number that you want to add to your invoices in the cash register in question. If you have multiple cash registers, you can hereby use different account numbers that are dependent on which cash register the invoice is created on. Use the substitution codes [cashRegisterAccountRegNo] and [cashRegisterAccountNo] in the invoice texts under 'Settings' -> 'Texts' -> 'Cash register'.
  • Extra invoice text: Write here the text you want to insert by default on your invoices. If you have multiple cash registers, you can hereby use different texts that are dependent on which cash register the invoice is created on. Use the substitution code [cashRegisterExtraText] in the invoice texts under 'Settings' -> 'Texts' -> 'Cash register'.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

Invoice/reciepts text templates

Under 'Invoice/receipt text templates' you can add an extra text/comment to your receipts and invoices.

  • Extra text per invoice/receipt: Mark the box to be able to specfy an individual text for your invoice or receipt. 
  • Add extra template: Click here to create the different text templates. You must enter the name of the template as well as the actual text. For this purpose you can use different font; bold, italics, underlined and strikethrough. Press 'Create' and the template has been created. The templates will be saved and appear on a list as the first picture illustrate above.

In order for the text to appear on both the reciept and the invoice, you must copy the substitution code [FakturaEkstraText] four your invoice unbder Settings > General > Text and templates > Cash register > Cash register - Invoice PDF - Buttom

If you have activated "reciept as a invoice", then place the substitution code in the text; Invoice PDF - Bottom - Payed.


To place the replace code on your reciept, you go to Cash register > Settings > Cash register(s) > Tab: Receipt and invoice information:

When you are in the cash register, there will be a button called 'Add text' opposite the place where you decide, if the purchase should be "created as" a receipt or invoice. 

If you press this button 'Add text', a window will open, in which you can write a new text or just load and use an existing template, that you created earlier. You load these templates by choosing the name of the desired template and press 'Load template'. The text from this template will be inserted into the text space under 'Extra text for invoice/receipt'. Finally, press 'Save text'. 

When the text is saved on an invoice it can will appear in an invoice PDF, where it gets an insertion code [InvoiceExtraText]. When the extra text has been added to an invoice, it will look like the following:

When it has been added to a receipt, it looks like this:

Settings for cash register export

Under 'Cash register export settings' you can change settings that affect your ability to export your cash register statements to an accounting system, e.g. E-conomic or Dinero. The cash register export can be used in two ways: 1) export to a .csv file that can then be imported to your accounting system, or 2) export directly to the accounting system E-conomic or Dinero. The export is of your completed cash register statements, i.e. your closed cash registers (see Export of cash register statements for more information). You have the following options:

  • Account numbers for item groups: Enter the account numbers from your accounting system for your item groups. If you use the same account number for all of your item groups, you can enter the same number for all item groups. If you sell items/services exempted from VAT, you must also enter the corresponding account number. If you do not sell items exempted from VAT, you can leave these spaces blank. Finally, you must enter a description for each item group. This description will be included in the export so it is important that you remember to fill out this space.
  • Account numbers for payment types: Enter the account numbers from your accounting system for your payment types. If you sell items/services exempted from VAT, you must also enter the corresponding account number. If you do not sell items exempted from VAT, you can leave these spaces blank. Finally, you must enter a description for each payment type. This description will be included in the export so it is important that you remember to fill out this space.
  • Additional account numbers: Enter additional account numbers from your accounting system. If you sell items/services exempted from VAT, you must also enter the corresponding account number. If you do not sell items exempted from VAT, you can leave these spaces blank. Finally, you must enter a description for each additional account number. This description will be included in the export so it is important that you remember to fill out this space.

It is important always to enter both an account number and a description if a space should be included in the export.

For a further description of each of the spaces that you find under 'Account numbers for item groups', 'Account numbers for payment types' and 'Additional account numbers' and that can be used for setting up a cash balance export, see this . 

  • E-conomic integration: If you use the accounting system E-conomic, you can activate direct export from GECKO Booking to E-conomic. If you want to use this feature, you must, besides the above, enter activate the API add-on, which you do at 'Subscription' > 'Add on modules'. Subsequently, you need to log into your GECKO Booking system, open this tab (Settings for cash register export) and activate the E-conomic integration. You have one type of integration: APP token. To use APP token, mark 'App token' and click on 'Click here to get one'. You will now be shown a window in which you state agreement no.user ID, and password to E-conomic, and then click on 'Grant access'. Your APP token will now be created. This you need to copy and insert in the space opposite 'APP token' in GECKO. Finally, you need to state the draft name exactly as in E-conomic (this you find at 'Regnskab' > 'Kassekladder'). Please note! It is important that the draft name is written exactly as in E-conomic. Once you have ensured that everything is correct, you must book the export in E-conomic yourself. You can also add a department no.. This could be useful if you have several departments, enabling each department to write their own number, when they export to E-conomic. This makes it easy for you to see which exports etc. belong to which departments, when you are in E-conomic. Please note! This requires that you have e-conomic's ‘dimension' Add-On activated.
  • Dinero integration: If you use the accounting system Dinero, you can activate direct export from GECKO Booking to Dinero. If you want to use this feature, you must, besides the above, create an API-key in Dinero, which you do at 'Settings' > 'API' > '+New API-key'. You need to save the API-key, as it must be inserted into GECKO. Additionally, you need to save your organization ID, which you find at the bottom of the page in Dinero. Now go to your GECKO Booking system, open this tab (Settings for cash register export) and activate the Dinero integration. Then, insert your saved DInero information. Once you have ensured that everything is correct, you must book the export in Dinero yourself.

Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes

Please note! It is your responsibility to ensure that everything is correct before you book the export in your accounting system. If in doubt, we recommend that you contact your accountant.

Payment type settings

'Under 'Payment type settings' you have three options:

  • Deduct in cash register stats: Here you can decide what payment types that should be deducted from the revenue in the sales statistics, whenever you wish to see the statistic of a specific period. The payment types that you tick off here will be deducted from the total revenue in the statistics. For example if you choose 'Cash', the total amount that has been payed with cash will be deducted from the revenue.
  • Show in invoice list: Here you can decide which payment types show on the invoice overview. The payment types with ticks will then appear on your invoice list above their own specific column. This means that you will be able to see whether the payment type has been used as payment of the specific invoices.
  • Cannot be edited at close cash register: By putting a tick in to one or more boxes, you can determine which payment types that it should not be possible to edit, when closing the cash register. If you tick off boxes here, the numbers that are transferred, are the numbers that are calculated via the system. 


Under 'Log' you can see which changes have been made for the cash register, as well as who made these changes.


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