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Guides - Work types

Work types

In GECKO Booking, you can activate the use of work types. This allows you to assign a work type to all the working hours you create. By doing so, you can use GECKO Booking for keeping track of how many hours your employees should receive salary for and you can see statistics of their occupancy rates. Please note that the use of work types must be activated under the advanced settings of the booking system. The advanced settings are found under the menu item ‘Settings' -> ‘Advanced settings' > ‘Back-end: General' (See the guide Main guide for more information).

When the use of work types has been activated, you can edit and create work types under the settings of the cash register system.

At the top of the page you can create a new work type. In order to create a work type, you must enter the following:

  • Description: You need to enter a description of the work type, i.e. the name of the work type.
  • Colour: You can choose the colour with which working hours of this type should be shown in the calendar views. You can choose the colour by pressing the icon with the coloured squares. Remember that the colours green, red, yellow, orange, blue, and grey are assigned a meaning by default (See ‘Daily view' in the guide Main guide for more information). In most cases, a different colour should be chosen unless the work type in question indicates the same.
  • Book customer: You can determine whether customers can book appointments in workings hours of this type.
  • Book quick book: You can determine whether staff can book appointments in working hours of this type.
  • Calculate salary: You can determine whether working hours of this type should be included in the salary calculation (See Salary statistics for more information).
  • Across everything: You can determine whether working hours of this type should apply across everything, i.e. across all calendars and/or customer groups that the employee is linked to. For instance, if an employee is linked to two different customer groups, working hours of a work type that applies across everything automatically apply in both customer groups. If the employee is e.g. sick, you therefore need to create working hours of the type 'Illness' only once, as this work type applies across everything.
  • Include statistics: You can determine whether working hours of this type should be included in the statistics of the employee's occupancy rate. Only working hours with a work type that is included in statistics are included as the working hours the occupancy rate is calculated from (See Statistics for more information).
  • Consider as empty in calendar view: You can determine whether working hours of this type should be considered as empty in the daily view. If a calendar has working hours of this type only, it will not be shown in the daily view if you have chosen not to show empty calendars. This could e.g. be used, if you have a work type that is used when an employee has time off, is on holiday, or on maternity leave.
  • Priority: You can determine which priority working hours of this type should be assigned. The higher the priority, the greater the importance. This means that if multiple working hours are created that affect the same time period, the working hours with the highest priority will win. It does not matter what numbers are chosen as the priorities, as the booking system only cares about how the numbers relate to each other.

Please note! When you choose the priority of a work type, it is recommended that you use the priorities of the work types that are created by default as a starting point. That is, when you create a work type that represents a type of work, it should be given a priority that is lower than e.g. lunch, holiday, and time off as these are more 'important' than a type of work. In a similar vein, you should seldom create a work type with a priority higher than 1000 (the priority of holidays) as very little is more important than a holiday.

At the top of the page you can see all work types including work types created by GECKO Booking. You have the same options here as when new work types are created. In addition, you can choose whether the work type should be active, i.e. whether it can be chosen when new working hours are created. At the time of writing, it is not possible to delete a work type, but you can deactivate it if you no longer want it to be chosen. Please note that if working hours have been created with a now deactivated work type, the work type is hidden on these working hours, but it is not deleted. If you therefore choose to activate the work type at a later time, the working hours will be shown with the work type again.

Please note! Remember to check whether the work types that are created by default have the desired settings. For instance, ‘Lunch' is set as ‘Calculate salary' wherefore the lunch break is paid. This is not necessarily the case in all companies.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

Below the list of work types, the work type 'Overtime work' is listed. It is not possible to make changes to this type of work and it cannot actively be chosen for any working hours. This is due to the fact that the work type is chosen automatically when a booking is created outside the working hours of the calendar. This means that if a calendar is open for booking from 9 AM to 3 PM but an appointment is booked for a customer directly in the calendar from 4 PM – 5 PM, working hours of the type ‘Overtime work' is created in this time period. When you view the salary statistics of your employees, you will be able to see the number of overtime work hours.

At the right side of the page you can see whether any working hour registrations exist for which no work type have been chosen. This is often the case when the use of work types has been activated after working hours have been created. It is not possible to edit the work type of these working hours individually, but in the drop-down menu you can choose a work type that all working hours without work types should be corrected to – Most often ‘Working hours (book customer and quick book)'. Afterwards, press ‘Update' and the working hours are corrected to the chosen work type. If you do not want all working hours to be corrected to the same work type, you must create new working hours with the correct work type and delete the original. Deleting working hours does not affect bookings already made in the working hours in question.

When the use of work types has been activated, it is possible to choose what work type new working hours should be created with. The work types that can be chosen are those created under the settings of the cash register system. Please note that when working hours have been created, they cannot be changed to a different work type. For instance, if an employee has working hours of the type working hours (book customer and quick book), but is sick on the date in question, new working hours of the type illness must be created. As this work type has a higher priority, it will ‘win' meaning that these working hours will be the ones in force.

Please note! If you use work types, it is recommended that you do not use the 'Close ticked times' feature that is found here. This feature is often used to close the calendar for bookings when the employee is sick or on holiday, but closing working hours here is done by creating an internal booking in the chosen time period. This internal booking prevents customer bookings from occurring. This means that the working hours themselves are not deleted and working hours closed this way therefore still count towards e.g. salary statistics. Instead of closing a time in the calendar, it is recommended that you create new working hours directly in the calendar with the desired work type. If the owner of the calendar is e.g. sick, you create new working hours of the type 'Illness'. As this type of work has a higher priority than working hours available for booking, the calendar will be closed for booking and the working hours will not be included in e.g. salary statistics.


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