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Guides - Statistics


As well as keeping track of your employees' working hours, you can use GECKO Booking for keeping track of your employees' occupancy rates. The occupancy rate is the percent of working hours that is booked by customers. The statistics are therefore only relevant for employees who are linked to a calendar.

At the top of the page you can determine which employee you want to view statistics for – However, you also have the option of viewing statistics for all employees at the same time. Afterwards, you can choose what the statistics should be shown divided between. You can choose between showing the total only, showing the statistics divided between the individual employees (Only relevant if it has been chosen that statistics should be shown for all employees), or divided between dates, day of week, or months. Finally, you can choose which period you want to view statistics for. Press 'Update view' and the statistics are now shown below.

You can see how many hours working hours have been created in and how many hours the employee has been booked in. Under ‘Percent' you can see how many percent of the time the employee has been booked in, the so-called occupancy rate. The number of working hours is determined by the number of working hours that have a work type that is set to be included in statistics (See Work types for more information). The number of booked hours is determined by how many hours customers have booked in the calendar to which the employee is linked. This means that internal bookings without a customer do not count towards the number of booked hours.


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