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Guides - Item groups

Item groups

In GECKO Booking, you have the option of dividing your items into item groups. This makes it easier to keep track of your items and it can also be an advantage when using the different statistics options available in GECKO Booking (See Statistics for more information).

At the top of the page you can see a list of all the item groups you have created. You have the following options:

  • View items: You can view the items in the item group. When you press 'View items' opposite an item group, you are transferred to the item overview at which it is chosen that only items belonging to this item group should be shown (See Items for more information).
  • Subgroups: If you have many items, it can be an advantage to create item subgroups in addition to item groups. For instance, if you have many items in an item group named ‘Hair products', you can create subgroups for this item group, e.g. ‘Styling products' and ‘Shampoo and conditioner'. Using subgroups can be an advantage when using the different statistics options available in GECKO Booking (See Statistics for more information). In addition, subgroups can provide you with a better overview of a large number of items. When you press ‘Subgroups' opposite an item group, you will be transferred to a page that is almost identical to the item group overview. The only difference is that the item groups listed here are subgroups to the chosen item group and that the item groups created here are created as subgroups of the chosen item group.
  • Import items: If you have a list of your items in an electronic format, you can import this list to GECKO Booking. You thereby avoid having to add all items manually. See Import items for more information.
  • Active: If an item belongs to an inactive item group, the item cannot be found in the search space in the cash register.
  • Delete: You can delete an item group. When you delete an item group, the items in the group are not deleted.

At the middle of the page you can create a new item group. Enter the name of the item group and press ‘Create item group' The item group has now been created and is listed above. Remember to add items to the item group. This can be done under the settings of each item (See Edit item for more information) or by importing a list of items to the group in question (See Import items for more information).

Supplier item groups

At the bottom of the page you can see a list of all supplier item groups that you subscribe to. For you to be able to see this, you must be subscribed to an item list. For this purpose, GECKO has imported several item lists from different suppliers and you have the opportunity to subscribe to these lists. This way, you avoid having to add all items manually. You subsribe to these item lists by pressing the blue button 'Subscribe to item list'. 

Next, you will see an overview of all the item lists. You have to tick opposite the suppliers and resellers that you use. Afterwards, the the ticked lists will appear on the 'Supplier item group' overview. By pressing ‘View items', you can see the items in the supplier item group in question.

You can read more about updating your supplier item lists in the FAQ  .

You can read more about how you exactly subscribe to an item list in the FAQ .


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