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Guides - Import items

Import items

If you have a list of your items in an electronic format, you can import this list to GECKO Booking. You thereby avoid having to add all items manually. Please note that you can only import items to one item group at a time, i.e. your list must only include items that should be placed in the same item group. It is also recommended that the list only contains items from one particular supplier as you can add a supplier to the items automatically instead of having to choose a supplier manually on all items. The uploaded file must be in .csv format.

You can import items to an item group from the item group overview.

If you so desire, you can choose which supplier the items should be added with. If you do not want to add a supplier, you do not need to choose one. Finally, choose the file to be uploaded and press ‘Upload file'. The items listed in the file are now uploaded to your item database. Please note that it may take several minutes to complete the import.

You can also upload csv-files under vouchers and customers.


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