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Guides - Define voucher

Define voucher

GECKO Booking's Gift Voucher Add-On allows you to define the different types of vouchers you want to offer to your customers. This could be e.g. a gift voucher for a massage treatment, a MultiPass voucher for 10 manicures, a discount voucher with a price of £75 but a value of £100, or a subscription that gives its owner access to unlimited booking of class services for six months.

At the bottom of the page under 'Create new item' you can define a new type of voucher. In order to define a new voucher you need to enter which item number and item name the voucher should be created with. Item number is used regardless of whether you have purchased the Cash Register Add-On, however, if you have purchased this add-on, the item number is registered in the cash register system also. The system will therefore not allow you to use an item number already used in the cash register system. The item name is the name written on the customer's self-print voucher, e.g. '10 manicure passes'. In addition, you need to choose which type the voucher is, i.e. a gift voucher, a MultiPass voucher, a discount voucher, or a subscription. You also have the option of entering a description of the voucher that is the 'name' the customer can see when (s)he purchases the voucher, e.g. '10 manicures for the price of 8'. Finally, you need to enter the price of the voucher. If you create a gift voucher for a particular service, it is important that the price of the voucher is the same as the price of the service. If this is not the case, the gift voucher cannot be used to pay for the service. This is not necessary when the voucher is a MultiPass voucher, as it is the number of passes and not the price that is important. Press ‘Create item' and the voucher has been created! You will automatically be transferred to a page where you have additional options for defining the voucher, e.g. defining the number of passes on a MultiPass voucher or defining the value of a discount voucher (See Edit voucher for more information).

Please note! It is very important that you remember to define the voucher further at the page to which you are transferred. For instance, if you create a MultiPass voucher, the voucher contains 0 passes until you define the number of passes here!

If you want to sell other items in addition to vouchers, these can be created here. Regular items are created followed the same procedure as explained above, the only difference being that you need to choose between whether the item is normal or normal (always exempt from VAT) in the space type.

Please note! Items created in the online shop via the Gift Voucher Add-On can be sold in the cash register system, but the opposite does not apply – Items created in the cash register system cannot be sold in the online shop. If you want to sell the item in question in the online shop, it must be created once more using the Gift Voucher Add-On and the original item must be inactivated. If you have added the item to discount groups etc., please remember to make the necessary changes here.

At the top of the page you can see a list of all the vouchers you have defined. You have the following options:

  • Type: You can see the type of the voucher.
  • Item number: You can change the item number of the voucher.
  • Cog wheel (Icon): By pressing the cog wheel icon you can change a number of settings of the voucher, e.g. determine how many passes a MultiPass voucher should consist of (See Edit voucher for more information).
  • Item name: You can change the item name of the voucher.
  • Active: You can determine whether the voucher should be active, i.e. whether vouchers of this type can be purchased/created.
  • Show online: You can determine whether customers should be able to purchase the voucher online. Please note that if the voucher is not active, it cannot be purchased online regardless of whether this box is ticked or not. If the tick is removed, but the item is active, employees can create the voucher, but the voucher cannot be purchased online.
  • Description: You can change the description of the voucher.
  • Picture: By pressing the icon you will be transferred to a page where you have the option of uploading two pictures for the voucher. You can upload a 'Small picture (List)' that is shown next to the description in the online shop and a ‘Pop-up picture' that is shown when you press the small picture. The same picture is often uploaded twice, however, you can upload different pictures if you so desire. The system automatically adjusts the size of the pictures.
  • Price: You can change the price of the voucher.
  • Priority: You can change the priority of the voucher. The priority of the vouchers determines the order in which they are shown – The higher the priority, the lower on the list the voucher is shown. By changing the order of the vouchers here, their order in the online shop is also changed.
  • Delete: You can delete the voucher.
  • Create addition: You have the option of creating additions to the vouchers the same way as service additions can be created for services. When you press the button, more spaces appear as shown in the screenshot. The arrows (>>) indicate that the voucher is an addition and not an independent voucher. For instance, an addition of 2 extra passes could be created for a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes! 


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