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Guides - Create voucher

Create voucher

Vouchers can be created/sold in multiple ways:
1) They can be purchased online if you insert the Gift Voucher Add-On on your webpage (See Insertion code for more information). Please note that in order to enable online payment for vouchers, the purchase of online payment is required (See the guide Online Payment Add-On for more information).
2) They can be purchased via the cash register system if you have purchased the Cash Register Add-On (See the guide Cash Register Add-On for more information).
3) They can be purchased via online booking if the vouchers have been created as services (Se Sale of vouchers via online booking for more information). Please note that this requires that the Online Payment Add-On and the Cash Register Add-On have been purchased.
4) They can be created under the menu item 'voucher Settings' → 'Create voucher'. This option will be explained below.

At this page you can create vouchers without the booking system registering payment for them. This feature could be used if you do not use GECKO Booking's cash register system or if you want to give a voucher to a customer free of charge, e.g. as a donation to an association or as compensation to a dissatisfied customer. 

Please note! If you have purchased the Cash Register Add-On, you need to be aware of the fact that vouchers created here are not registered in the cash register system. If the vouchers need to be booked, it is your responsibility. If you have purchased the Cash Register Add-On, we recommend that you create all vouchers in the cash register system. If you want to give a voucher to a customer free of charge, we recommend that you 'sell' the voucher via the cash register system with a 100% discount - The voucher is free of charge for the recipient, but it is still registered in the cash register system.

All the vouchers you have defined are shown here (See Define voucher for more information). You also have the option of creating a gift voucher without a predetermined value, i.e. the customer can determine the value him/herself. This type of gift voucher is created by default and can also be purchased in the online shop. If you do not want to offer this type of gift voucher to your customers, the feature can be disabled under ‘General settings' (See General settings for more).

You can choose how many units of the voucher you want to create, the name of the recipient of the voucher, and if desired which customer the voucher is ‘sold' to. If the chosen voucher has a customer-determined value, you also need to enter the value of the voucher. Press ‘Create voucher' and the voucher has been created!


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