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Guides - Edit item

Edit item

When you create a new item, you need to edit the settings of the item before it is activated. However, you can always go back and change the settings of the item if these should change at a later time. You can edit an item by pressing ‘Edit' opposite the desired item on the item overview.

All information registered about the chosen item is listed here. By pressing the arrow in the grey bar, you can see all information in the chosen category.

Under 'General settings', you can change a number of general item settings.

You have the following options:

  • ID: You can see the ID of the item.
  • Date created: You can see the date at which the item was created.
  • Date updated: You can see the date at which the item was last changed.
  • Active: You can determine whether the item should be active, i.e. whether the item can be purchased via the cash register system.
  • Type: You can change the type of the item. If the item represents a product or a service, you should always choose 'Normal'. If you choose one of the four voucher types, your item is transformed into a voucher. This is rarely the intention and the type should therefore seldom be changed from a normal type to a voucher type.
  • Exempt from VAT: You can determine whether the item should be exempted from VAT. Please note that this exemption only applies if the employee is exempt from VAT. This means that if this feature has been activated, the same item will have different VAT status depending on whether or not the employee is exempt from VAT. An employee can be exempted from VAT under the employee's settings (See Edit employee for more information). If you do not know whether your item is exempted from VAT, contact your accountant or the relevant authorities
  • Name: You can change the name of the item.
  • Item number: You can change the item number of the item. Please note that two items cannot have the same item number. If you try to assign an item an item number already in use, you will be alerted and the item cannot be updated.
  • Price: You can change the price of the item. The price must be entered inclusive of VAT. If the item is of the type Normal (always exempt from VAT), the cash register system will automatically recognise that the entered price is not inclusive of VAT. This means that the item is sold for the price you have entered here, but on the receipt it is listed that VAT amounts to 0 GBP.
  • Cost price: You can change the cost price of the item. The price must be entered exclusive of VAT. By entering the cost price here, you can always see the value of your stock (See Stock value for more information).
  • Barcode: You can change the barcode of the item. If you have a barcode scanner, you can thereby quickly scan your items. Please note that the use of barcodes must be activated under the settings of the cash register (See Cash register(s) for more information).
  • Item group: You can determine which item group the item should belong to.
  • Supplier: You can choose the supplier of the item. Please note that you must enter your suppliers under the settings of the cash register system before they can be chosen here.
  • Require customer: If you check-mark this box, a customer must be selected in the cash register, in order to complete the purchase of this specific item. This feature can also be activated for all purchases under Cash register(s).
  • Move customer group: Here you can choose whether a customer should stay in the current customer group or be moved to another, when buying this specific item. This can for instance be useful if the customers e.g. need to buy a membership in order to book a course. The specific item is created for a specific customer group.  See Sale of vouchers via online booking for more information on how to create an item such as a membership/subscription.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

Please note! If the chosen item originates from a supplier item group, your options here will be different (See Item groups for more information). You will not be able to change all information, e.g. supplier and barcode is predetermined. However, you will be able to see the indicative price of the item and the like.

Under 'Linked services', you have the possibility to view and modify the services and service additions. to which the item is linked and unlink the item number as well.

Hvis dine kunder kan søge tilskud for varen gennem Sygeforsikringen "danmark", har du her mulighed for at vælge den ydelseskode, som varen kan indberettes til Sygeforsikringen "danmark" under. 

Under ‘Stock', you can change the stock settings and stock status of the item. Please note that this requires that you have activated the use of a stock and the stock on the edit item page. The two features can be activated under ‘Advanced settings' -> ‘Back-end' -> ‘Stock' (See the guide Main guide for more information).

Min: You can determine how many copies of the item you always min want to have in stock.

Reorder: Here, you can decide how many items should be ordered when less than the minimum amount exists.

In stock: Here you can see how many items are in stock at present. When an item is purchased via the cash register system, the stock is automatically updated. This means that the amount of items in stock should be changed only when a status has been made or when new items have been ordered and received (See Stock for more information).

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

Under 'Reward program' you can add the item to the reward programs you have created. One tab is shown for each reward program you have created. For more information about reward programs see Reward programs

You have the following options:

  • Reward program information: You can see whether the reward program is active as well as the active period and redemption period of the program. This information has been entered on the 'Edit reward program' page and you can only change the information here (See Edit reward program for more information).
  • Item standard settings: You can determine how many points the customer earns by purchasing the item. The number of points is entered in the space opposite 'Points earned at purchase'. When a number has been written in this space, the item has been added to the reward program, and the customer now earns the entered number of points when purchasing this item in the active period. You can also determine how many points the item costs if a customer wishes to purchase the item for points. The 'point cost' of the item is entered in the space opposite 'Point cost at purchase'. If the item should be able to be purchased for points, it is important that you also tick the box 'Can be purchased for points'. If this box is unticked, the item cannot be purchased for points even though the point cost space has been filled out. After ticking the box and filling out the space, customers will be able to purchase the item for points in the redemption period.
  • Temporary periods: You can see the temporary periods you have created. A temporary period can be used if you in a particular period want your customers to earn more points than normally or want items to cost fewer points than normally. This could e.g. be if you want to run a temporary summer or Christmas campaign. In the temporary period, the information noted here will overwrite the standard settings meaning that it is the 'Points earned at purchase' and 'Point cost at purchase' noted here that apply. If the item should be able to be purchased for points, you must remember to tick the box 'Can be purchased for points'. You can delete a temporary period by ticking the box 'Delete period' and then pressing 'Update'.
  • Add temporary period: You can add a new temporary period (see above). When you have chosen the desired period, you must remember to tick the box 'Add period' and then press 'Update'. When you have added the period, you must remember to set the points opposite 'Temporary periods'.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

Under ‘Postings', you can see any changes in the stock status of the item, i.e. whether the item has been purchased via the cash register system or manual changes in the stock status have been made (See Stock for more information). You can choose which period you want to see postings from in the from and to spaces.

Under 'Log' kan du se de rettelser, der er foretaget på varen. Du kan også se, hvilken bruger, der har foretaget rettelsen, og hvornår den er foretaget.

Please note! If the item has been created via the Gift Voucher Add-On, you will have additional options here under the heading 'Gift voucher / Online shop item' (See the guide Gift Voucher Add-On for more information).


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