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Guides - Stock value

Stock value

By pressing 'Value' opposite a stock on the stock overview, you can see the number of items in stock and the value of these items.

At the top of the page you can choose between whether the items should be grouped in the list. You can choose between no grouping (all items are shown separately), grouping in all item groups (subgroups included) (the items are grouped in their item groups whether the item group is a main item group or a subgroup), or grouping in main item groups (the items are grouped in the main item groups, i.e. items in subgroups are included in the main group). You can likewise choose only to see active items by ticking of the 'Show only active items' box.

In addition, you need to choose the date as of which you want to view the stock value. The value is shown as of 11:59:59 PM on the chosen date. Please note that the value is calculated using the current cost/sales price even if a different price was in force at the chosen date. Remember to press ‘Show stock value' in order to update the list. If you wish, you also have the option to export your stocklist to a .CSV Excel file.

At the bottom of the page you can see the overview of the stock value as of the chosen date. You can see the item number, name, sales price, cost price, and amount in stock of the item as well as the value of purchases, i.e. the cost price of the item multiplied with the amount in stock.


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