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Guides - Reorder lists

Reorder lists

GECKO Booking can automatically notify you when it is time to reorder items. This is done under the settings of each item. You can here determine how many copies of the item you always want to have in stock and how many items should be reordered when less than this amount remains (See Edit item for more information). When less than the minimum amount remains, the item is automatically added to the reorder list.

At the top of the page you can see a list of the items that should be reordered. You can choose between whether you want to see all items at the same time or whether you want to view items that should be reordered from a particular supplier. If you use suppliers, it can be an advantage to view items from different suppliers separately as you can save the reorder list and automatically add the items to the stock once received. As different suppliers will deliver at different times, it is therefore easier to have a separate reorder list for each.

It is not possible to change anything but the number of items that should be reordered. All information has been added under the settings of the item and it must therefore also be changed here (See Edit item for more information). You cannot delete an item from the reorder list manually. The item is automatically deleted when the stock contains the minimum amount of items again.

As mentioned, you can save the reorder list and import it to the stock once the items are delivered by the supplier. Enter a description of the list, e.g. 'Order from supplier X' and press 'Save to stock list'. The reorder list has now been saved and the items can be added when they arrive from the supplier (See Add item to stock for more information).
At the bottom of the page you can see an overview of the reorder lists you have saved. When the list has been imported to the stock, it can be deleted by ticking the space ‘Delete' and then pressing ‘Delete ticked'.


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