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Guides - Add item to stock

Add item to stock

You can always add or remove items from your electronic stock so that it matches your actual stock. This could be used when you have purchased new items or after having completed a stock status. Adding an item to stock therefore refers to changing the stock status of an item whether this status is regulated upwards or downwards.

At the bottom of the page under ‘Add item', you can add or remove items from the electronic stock. You have the following options:

  • Barcode: If you have activated the use of barcodes, you can search for the item you want to add. This is done by entering part of the barcode in the space and then choosing the item in the drop-down list that appears. You can also search for an item using the item number or name space. If you enter a barcode here, the other information is automatically entered.
  • Date: You can determine which date the item should be added with. Today's date is chosen by default.
  • Item number: You can enter the item number of the item you want to add. You can also choose an item using the barcode or name space. If you enter an item number here, the other information is automatically entered.
  • Name: You can enter the name of the item you want to add. You can also choose an item using the barcode or item number space. If you enter a name here, the other information is automatically entered.
  • In stock: Here you can see the current amount in stock.
  • Action: You can choose which action you want to perform with the chosen item. You can choose between purchase (the item has been purchased), sale (the item has been sold at cost price not using the cash register system, e.g. if items are returned to the supplier), regulate upwards (the amount in stock should be regulated upwards, e.g. after a stock status), or regulate downwards (the amount in stock should be regulated downwards, e.g. after a stock status).
  • Amount: You can enter the amount of items that should be added to the stock.
  • Cost price: The cost price of the item is added automatically if it has been entered under the settings of the item (See Edit item for more information).

When you have entered the desired information, press 'Add to list' The item you have added can now be seen below. Please note that the item has not yet been added to the stock! Add the desired number of items to the list following the same procedure. When you are done adding items, press ‘Update stock with changes'. The stock status of the items has now been updated! If you leave the page before updating the stock, your additions will not be deleted. You therefore have the option of returning to the page at a later time and updating the status of the stock then. If you regret your additions, press ‘Reset list'. Your additions to the list are now deleted! If you only want to delete a single item, press the red minus symbol.

At the top of the page under 'Retrieve draft', you have the option of retrieving the drafts, i.e. reorder lists, you have saved (See Reorder lists for more information). You can therefore easily add the items once they have been received. Again, remember to press ‘Update stock with changes' in order to update the stock. It is recommended that you now delete the reorder list. This can be done at the page at which it was created (See Reorder lists for more information).


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