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Guides - Edit reward program

Edit reward program

By clicking on 'Edit' opposite the desired reward program, you can change the settings for this particular reward program.

You have the following options:

  • Active: Here you can (de)activate the reward program. If the reward program is active, the customer can earn and use points. The reward program is disabled by default, so remember to activate it.
  • Name: You can change the name of the reward program. This name is also shown to the customers.
  • Active period: You can determine which period the reward program is active in, i.e. the period in which the customers can earn points by purchasing items.
  • Require signup: If ticked, the customer must be signed up for point program in order to earn points. 
  • Newsletter: If this box is ticked, a customer can only earn points if (s)he is signed up for your newsletters. This could be a requirement if you want to e-mail campaigns to your customers.
  • Ad hoc: If this box is ticked, a customer can earn points for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile.
  • Points with discount: If this box is ticked, you will be able to give points, even though the item has been sold with a discount. This feature is per default not activated.
  • Points with use: If this box is ticked, you will be able to give points of the remaining when using points on item line.
  • Points expire: You have the option to set a limit on how long the points are valid. 
  • Redemption period: You can determine which period the earned points can be redeemed in, i.e. the period in which customers can use the earned points to purchase items. The redemption period and the active period do not need to be the same. For instance, it is possible to determine that the redemption period is after the active period.
  • Customer can see balance: If this box is ticked, a customer can check their points balance themselves.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

Please note! It is currently not possible to delete a reward program.


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