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Guides - Add item to reward program

Add item to reward program

When you have created a reward program, you must remember to add to the program the items that the customers can earn points by purchasing and the items the customers can purchase for points. The reward program only includes the items you add to the program. When you have created a reward progam, a new tab is added to the 'Edit item' page. One tab is added for each reward program you have created.

You have the following options:

  • Reward program information: You can see whether the reward program is active as well as the active period and redemption period of the program. This information has been entered on the 'Edit reward program' page and you can only change the information here (See Edit reward program for more information).
  • Item standard settings: You can determine how many points the customer earns by purchasing the item. The number of points is entered in the space opposite 'Points earned at purchase'. When a number has been written in this space, the item has been added to the reward program, and the customer now earns the entered number of points when purchasing this item in the active period. You can also determine how many points the item costs if a customer wishes to purchase the item for points. The 'point cost' of the item is entered in the space opposite 'Point cost at purchase'. If the item should be able to be purchased for points, it is important that you also tick the box 'Can be purchased for points'. If this box is unticked, the item cannot be purchased for points even though the point cost space has been filled out. After ticking the box and filling out the space, customers will be able to purchase the item for points in the redemption period.
  • Temporary periods: You can see the temporary periods you have created. A temporary period can be used if you in a particular period want your customers to earn more points than normally or want items to cost fewer points than normally. This could e.g. be if you want to run a temporary summer or Christmas campaign. In the temporary period, the information noted here will overwrite the standard settings meaning that it is the 'Points earned at purchase' and 'Point cost at purchase' noted here that apply. If the item should be able to be purchased for points, you must remember to tick the box 'Can be purchased for points'. You can delete a temporary period by ticking the box 'Delete period' and then pressing 'Update'.
  • Add temporary period: You can add a new temporary period (see above). When you have chosen the desired period, you must remember to tick the box 'Add period' and then press 'Update'. When you have added the period, you must remember to set the points opposite 'Temporary periods'.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

Please note! It is also possible to use the reward program to create a campaign in which the customer receives one treatment free of charge when (s)he has purchased e.g. 10 treatments. If you want to create such a campaign, enter on the treatments in question a random number of points that the customer earns by purchasing the treatment (e.g. 10 points). You then need to enter the point cost of the treament which is the above number of points * the number of treatments the customer must purchase in order to receive a treatment free of charge, in this example 10 points * 10 treatment = 100 points. The point cost of the treatment should therefore be set to 100. When the customer has booked 10 treatments earning 10 points each time, the customer has earned 100 points and (s)he therefore has enough points to purchase the 11th treatment for points. The 11th treatment will therefore be 'free of charge' for the customer. Please do not hesitate to contact GECKO Booking for more information.


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