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Guides - Earn and use points in the cash register

Earn and use points in the cash register

When you have created a reward program and added items to it, points can be earned and used in the cash register. When an item included in the reward program (i.e. the customer earns points by purchasing the item and/or the item can be purchased for points) is chosen in the cash register, a small blue man will appear next to the price of the item. This is illustrated in the screenshot below.

By moving the pointer over the man, a small box appears in which you can see which reward program the item is included in, how many points the customer will earn by purchasing the item.

If you have chosen a customer who has earned enough points to purchase the item, it is possible to use these points to pay for the item. This is done by pressing 'Use'. The item line will then be locked, and it is no longer possible to change the number or price. The item is also set as having a 100 % discount (i.e. the entire item price), and the total price of the item will therefore be 0 GBP. When you press 'Complete', the points will be withdrawn from the customer's account. If the customer decides not to pay for the item using points after all, you can cancel by pressing the blue man again. However, it is only possible to cancel if the payment has not yet been completed.

Please note! Points can only be earned and used, if a customer has been chosen in the cash register. If you use reward programs, it is therefore important that you always remember to choose a customer.

When you have chosen a customer in the cash register, you will be able to see how many points the customer has earned (i.e. the customer's balance) and how many points the customer will have after (s)he has earned/used points by purchasing the chosen item.

When a payment has been completed, it is noted on the receipt how many points the customer has earned in this transaction, how many points the customer has used in this transcation, and what the customer's new balance is, i.e. how many points the customer now has.

Please note! If an item part of a reward program is purchased as an ad hoc purchase on the customer's profile, the customer will still earn points, if this feature has been activated on the 'Edit reward program' page (See Edit reward program for more information).


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