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Guides - Activate online payment for services

Activate online payment for services

Activation of online payment for services is done at customer group level wherefore you can activate online payment for some customer groups but not for others. For instance, if you have two customer groups – one representing your regular customers and one representing a corporate customer agreement – you can activate online payment for your regular customers, but not for your corporate customer agreement customers, who might not pay for the services themselves. However, if desired, you can activate online payment for all customer groups. Please note that the Cash Register Add-On must be purchased before online payment for services can be activated, as it is in this add-on that item numbers, prices, etc. are administrated.

Online payment is activated for each customer group under that group's settings. The settings can be accessed at the customer group overview that appears when you click on 'Customers' in the menu.

Online payment is activated by ticking the box, followed by a click on ‘Update'. 

Please note! In addition to activating online payment for the customer group, you must set the payment settings so that they match your needs. See below for more information.

You can set up settings on the online payment by clicking on 'Edit settings'. 

You have the following options:

  • Customer group: See which customer group, the payment settings apply to.
  • Activate online payment?: Determine whether online payment should be activated for this customer group.
  • Vouchers?: Determine whether it should be possible to use vouchers as payment in online booking. If ticked, a space will appear on the 'Confirm booking' page in which the customer can write his/her voucher code. Consequently, the payment is subtracted from the voucher. If ticked, you also need to tick 'Remove payment options' (see below).
  • Send usual booking e-mail?: If ticked, the usual booking confirmation e-mail is sent. You can edit the content of this e-mail under 'Settings' > ‘Texts'.
  • Auto delete reservation?: If ticked, a reservation is deleted if online payment is not completed within 30 minutes. If so, an e-mail will be sent to the customer. You can edit the content of this e-mail under 'Settings' > ‘Texts'.
  • Payment options: Determine which payment types you want to receive. The payment types you can receive depend, among other things, on the merchant agreement you have entered into. The payment types between which you can choose must be activated by GECKO Booking. Therefore, contact GECKO Booking if you wish to receive other payment types than those shown here. To activate a payment type, tick ‘Active' opposite the type.
  • If amount is zero, remove payment options: If ticked, the payment options are removed, if the amount due is 0. This is, e.g., the case when the payment is subtracted from a voucher. If 'Voucers?' is ticked, this should also be ticked. You can also choose which payment type the online order should be created with. The payment types you can choose from are set by GECKO Booking, so we recommended that you contact us, if you want to activate this feature. Subsequently, we will create a payment type named 'Vouchers'.
  • If amount is zero, remove price when paying with MultiPass vouchers: If ticked, the price will be removed when the customer is paying with a MultiPass voucher. The price will instead be listed as one pass.
  • Mark order filed if it is fully paid with: Mark the online order as filed if it is fully paid with a voucher.
  • Remove basket when paying with a subscription: If ticked, the basket is removed from the 'Confirm booking' page when the customer pays with a subscription.
  • Send copy of all order e-mails: If ticked, and if an e-mail address has been entered, you will receive a copy of all order confirmation e-mails sent. Consequently, you will easily be able to see when a customer has made an order on your website. Please note that in order to receive a copy of all order e-mails, you must activate order e-mails for customers.

Remember to click on ‘Update' in order to save any changes!

Please note! When online payment has been activated for a customer group, customers in this group will normally be able to complete their online payment in the window where the booking is made. However, you can determine that the payment should be completed in a pop-up window at ‘Settings' -> ‘Advanced settings' -> ‘Front-end' -> ‘Online credit card payment' (see Main guide for more information).

When an online payment for a service has been made, it will be listed under the menu item 'Online order' (see Online order for more information). In addition, it is possible to see on the calendar views if a booking has been paid for online. If so, a small shopping cart icon will appear on the booking. If the shopping cart is green, the payment has been completed. If the shopping card is red, the payment is incomplete.

Under ‘edit' next to the different payment types you have the following options.

  • Create invoice/Email invoice: By ticking this box you will enable the customer to receive an invoice. This can be useful if for instance the customers wish to have an invoice for their personal accounts.
  • Extra text invoice: In this box you are able to write any additional text, which can be transferred to the invoice through the substitution code [PaymentOptionExtraText], e.g. ‘Paid'.
  • Fee: Here you have the possibility to impose a fee for online payments upon your customers. This means that you can collect the fee for the transaction from the customer, by ticking this box.
  • Fee algorithm: You can choose between two different fee rates: 'Standard' and 'Nets'. If you choose 'Standard', you can determine the amount and a % rate yourself. If you choose 'Nets', it will be an automatic rate, in relation to Nets' instructions.


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