Guides - Activate online payment for vouchers
Activate online payment for vouchers
If you have purchased the Gift Voucher Add-On, you can use the Online Payment Add-On to receive online payment for your vouchers. If online payment has been purchased, you therefore have the option of automatically sending a self-print voucher to the customer immediately after purchase (See Gift Voucher Add-On for more information). Online payment for vouchers must be activated under the settings of the Gift Voucher Add-On (‘Vouchers' -> ‘Settings' -> ‘General settings'). The payment types between which you can choose must be activated by GECKO Booking. You must therefore contact GECKO Booking if you wish to receive other payment types than those shown here. In order to activate a payment type, the box ‘Active' opposite the type must be ticked. You also have the option of entering the subject that order confirmation e-mails are sent with. Finally, by ticking the box ‘Send copy of all order e-mails' and entering an e-mail address, you can receive a copy of all order confirmation e-mails. |