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Guides - Activate video meetings (Booking)

Activate video meetings (Booking)

Her kan du se vores video guide og tekst guide om aktivering af videomøder på bookinger. 

If you want to use the video meeting function, go to Settings > (Booking) Video meetings. 

When you have activated the funtion, your calendar(s) will show. If you use permanent links for all your video meetings, insert the them into the empty space for every calendar. 

Activate video meetings on service
You now have to choose which services that can be booked as video meetings. 
Go to Settings > (Booking) Services. Click ‘Edit 'on the service you wish to activate video meetings on, go to the tab ‘General Settings' and mark ‘Activate video meeting'.

Permanent or unique links
We recommend that you use permanent links or what we call a permanent ‘rooms' for your video meetings. This will ensure that you don't have to make unique links every time your customers book a service with video meeting and also make sure that all bookings have a link attached. 

However, it is possible to use unique links. If you do, you have to insert the links manually on every booking. This can be done in two ways: 

  • Video meetings missing links
    If bookaings are missing a video link, the video icon in the red will show with a notification of how many bookings need to have inserted a link. If you click the link, you can insert the link directly on the booking an update. 

  • Insert link on specific booking 
    You can insert the link on the specific booking, if you book the service yourself via quickbook or via the calendar.  

Confirmations and reminders
If you use our standard texts, the video link will automatically be transfered to email confirmations and reminders, that will be sent to your customers or participants. Have you, however, tailored your own texts for the confirmations and reminders, you need to insert substitution codes as shown below. You will find the substitution codes here and insert them under Settings > (General) Texts and templates > Booking sms and emails.


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