Guides - LKT Record settings
LKT Record settings
Before LKT records can be made, you must enter your contact information and your treatments in the system. This is done under the menu item 'Settings' > 'LKT Record'. Under 'Referral address lines' you must enter the information that should be listed on your referrals, whereas you under 'Estimate address lines' must enter the information that should be listed on your estimates. By ticking the box 'Delete by transfer', the estimate will automatically be deleted from the record, when it is transferred to the cash register. In addition, you can put a tick in to 'Estimate municipality, show line per pc.'. This feature is by default activated but by unticking this box, you can deselect that municipality estimates should show one line per pc. Futhermore, you have the opporunity to upload logos for your estimates. The logos that are uploaded, will appear opposite 'Estimate logo'. Finally, you must choose the contact person category in which you have created your customers' dentists (See Contacts for more information). |
You must now create the treatments you want to be able to insert in the continuation. This is done by pressing 'Ret kontinuationstekster' located at the top right corner (See Create new treatment for more information). Edit products: Here you can edit the options you have defined. |