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Guides - Create LKT Record

Create LKT Record

When the LKT Record has been activated on your account, you can create a LKT Record for a customer on his/her customer profile. 

A number of information about the customer can be viewed and changed here. At the left side of the page under 'Last physical examination' you can see the tooth map from the last physical examination, i.e., the tooth map found in the newest record (See Physical examination for more information), whereas you at the top right can enter a number of general information about the customer. You have the following options:

  • First denture year: You can enter the year in which the customer had his/her first dentures.
  • Current denture: You can enter which year the customer's current dentures are from.
  • Municipality: You can choose which municipality the customer lives in and thereby which municipality your estimates should be addressed to. The municipalities you can choose between are the ones you have created as debtors (See Debtor overview for more information about how to create debtors).
  • The patient suffers from: You can tick off one or multiple boxes if the customer has the condition in question.
  • Side effects: You can tick off one or multiple boxes if the customer is allergic to the drug in question.
  • Treated by: You can tick off one or multiple boxes if the customer is undergoing the treatment in question.
  • Additional remarks: You have the option of entering additional information about the customer not covered by the spaces above.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

At the bottom left under 'Archive' you can see a list of all records created for this customer and create a new record if desired. You can create a new record by pressing the button 'Create new record', after which you will be transferred to the new record automatically (See Fill out LKT Record for more information). When viewing the list of existing records, you have the following options:

  • Date: You can see the date at which the record was created.
  • Status: You can see the status of the record, i.e., whether the record can be edited (the status 'Open') or not (the status 'Archived'). You can archive the record manually when you are viewing the record (See Fill out LKT Record for more information), but the record will automatically be archived 48 hours after it was created. An archived record cannot be edited or deleted.
  • Go to: You can access the record itself (See Fill out LKT Record for more information).
  • Estimate: You can send the estimate you have created in the record to the cash register system, thereby enabling you to receive payment (See Estimate for more information about how to create estimates and Go to cash register for more information about how the cash register system works). Please note that this requires that the Cash Register Add-On has been purchased.
  • Create copy: You can create a copy of the record, whereby all information contained in the record will be created in a new record. This can be used, if you want to add to a previous record that has been archived.
  • Delete: If the record has not yet been archived, you have the option of deleting it. Please note that it is not possible to delete an archived record.

Please note! You can download a PDF containing the customer's latest record at the top right corner where you also have the option of determining which pages should be included in the PDF. The customer's information as listed on the customer's profile will automatically be inserted in the record (See Customer information for more information about the customer profile). If the customer's dentist has been chosen as a contact, the information listed about this dentist will be inserted as well (See Contacts for more information about contacts).


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