Guides - Estimate
You can create an estimate based on your construction suggestions under the tab 'Estimate' where you also have the option of creating a PDF containing the estimate addressed to either the municipality or the customer. You can create the estimate at the top of the page by choosing the item(s) contained in the construction suggestions. You must therefore create your items in the cash register system before an estimate can be made (See Items for more information about how to create items). When your items have been created in the cash register system, you can insert them here by entering either the item number or the description of the desired item and then choosing the item in the list that appears. When you have chosen an item, you have the following options:
You can add an unlimited number of items. A new item must be added in a new item line that is created automatically when you have entered information in the first item line. The combined total for all items are shown beneath the item lines. You can delete an item from the estimate by pressing the red icon opposite the item. You also have the option of writing a remark for the estimate that will be included in the estimate addressed to the municipality.