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Guides - Create new resource

Create new resource

By creating your resources in GECKO Booking you can easily keep track of when they are booked and you can activate automatic booking of a resource when a particular service is booked. This way, you no longer risk having a customer book a service you cannot perform because a colleague is using the resource that is required to perform the service.

You can create your resources in resource groups. These resource groups have two functions. First of all, they give you a better overview if you have created many resources. Secondly, resources must be in a resource group before they can be booked automatically – Without resource groups it is not possible to use automatic booking of resources (See Automatic booking of resources for more information). When you are using automatic booking of resources, you have the option of booking randomly in one particular resource group. This could be used if you have multiple copies of the same type of resource and it does not matter which resource is booked. In this scenario, you can create a group for this type of resource and then choose this group for automatic booking of resources. By choosing randomly between the resources, your chances of getting the highest amount of bookings in your calendar are optimised. This way, more opportunities exist for finding an available resource for the appointment the customer wants to book. The likelihood of a lack of an available resource blocking for booking of a service is therefore smaller. Resources not in a group can still be booked manually.

At the top of the page you can create a new resource by pressing 'Create new resource' and enter the name of the resource and choose which group the resource should be created in. Press ‘Create resource' and the resource has been created! Resource groups are created in a similar way by pressing 'Create new group' and then enter the name of the resource group and finally press 'Create group'. The group has now been created! If you have created resources before creating the group to which they should belong, you can move the resources to the group at the resource overview.


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