Guides - Service codes
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Service codes
Before a report of a service can be made, the service must be linked to a Sygeforsikring "danmark" service code. This can be done on the list of service codes that can be accessed by pressing the menu item "Sygeforsikring "danmark" under the settings of the Cash Register Add-On ('Cash Register' > 'Settings'). You can import service codes directly from Sygeforsikring "danmark" to your booking system at the bottom of the page. In order to do this, you must choose which provider type you wish to import the service codes for. Afterwards, press 'Import', and Sygeforsikring "danmark"'s list of accepted service codes has now been imported to your system. Before a report can be made on the service code, you must link the service code to the corresponding service(s). This is done by pressing 'Edit' opposite the desired service code on the list of service codes. This will allow you to choose which service(s) should be linked to the service code (See Edit service code for more information). You can also create the service codes manually, however, as a general rule, we recommend that you import Sygeforsikring "danmark"'s list. |
At the top of the page, you can view a list of all of the service codes that have been imported to or created in your booking system. At the top right corner, you can access a list of your reports by pressing 'Show reports' (See List of reports for more information), and at the top left corner, you can choose whether you want to view service codes linked to a specific provider type and/or service codes that have or do not have linked items. You have the following options on the list of service codes: