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Guides - Create corporate customer agreement

Create corporate customer agreement

If you have entered into a corporate customer agreement and you wish to create the agreement in GECKO Booking, the corporate customer agreement is created as a separate customer group. This means that if you have multiple corporate customer agreements, you must create one customer group per corporate customer agreement. For instance, if you have entered into a corporate customer agreement with Company Z, you create a customer group named ‘Company Z'. The customers of the customer group will thereby be the employees of the company with which you have entered into an agreement. You can access your customer groups by pressing the menu item ‘Customers'.

At the bottom of the page you have the option of creating a new customer group. Enter the name of the customer group, e.g. the name of the company the agreement has been entered with, and press 'Create customer group'. The customer group has now been created!
At the top of the page you can see a list of all of your customer groups. Each customer group will have different customer databases, and you can create working hours and services separately for each group. In addition, many settings can be edited separately for each customer group. As such, there are no differences between customer groups that represent corporate customer agreements and customer groups that do not. However, when a customer group represents a corporate customer agreement, it is particularly important that you remember to edit the settings of the customer group so that they match your needs (See Settings for more information). Among other things you have the option of creating a login for the corporate customer agreement that can be handed to the person who administrates the agreement in the other company.

Most of your options on the customer group overview are the same regardless of whether your customer groups represent corporate customer agreements. For an explanation of your options regarding statistics, importing of customers, customer database, extra spaces, and duplicates, the reader is referred to this guide.

In order to enable the employees in the corporate customer agreement to book services, the services must be created, set, and linked to at least one calendar – Just as it must be done for all other customer groups.

The services are created and set as normal, the only difference being that you must choose the customer group that represents the agreement at the top left corner of the service overview. If you want to offer the exact same services to corporate customer agreement customers as to all other customers, you can choose that the corporate customer agreement customer group should offer the same services as your main customer group. This is done under the settings of the customer group (See Settings for more information). If you choose to do so, you must be aware of the fact that it is not possible to have separate settings for the services, e.g. the price of the service will be the same for both customer groups. For more information about how to create services, the reader is referred to the separate guide Main guide.
In addition to creating the services, working hours must be created in which the customer group can book the services. As with the services, you can choose that the customer group should have the same working hours as another customer group. This is done under the settings of the customer group (See Settings for more information). This could be used if the corporate customer agreement customers should be able to book appointments at the same times as all other customers.

Please note! Even though you set the customer group to have the same working hours as another customer group, you must still activate the customer group on the calendars in which the customer group should be able to book. If the customer group has not been activated on a certain calendar, the customer group cannot book in this calendar – Even though working hours have been created. You can activate the customer group on the calendar by pressing 'Edit' under the column 'Working hours' opposite the desired calendar. Afterwards, the customer group is ticked and ‘Update' is pressed. The customer group can now book in the calendar in question – As long as working hours have been created. The same calendar can be activated and have working hours in multiple customer groups at the same time.

On the other hand, if you want to offer services to corporate customer agreement customers at particular times only, e.g. when you at a particular day of the week offer services at the other company's premises, you must create separate working hours. The working hours are created the same way as all other working hours, the only difference being that you must remember to choose the correct customer group – And activate the customer group on the calendar in question! For more information about how to create services, the reader is referred to this guide.


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