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Guides - Working hours

Working hours

Working hours are your tool for deciding what times your customers may book in your calendar. 

To create working hours, please select 'Working hours' next to the desired calendar on the calendar view and click on 'Edit working hours'. Then click on the blue button 'Create new working hours'.

Work type (if the cash register module is connected), periode (if working hours are to be limited), day(s), and period of time now have to be defined.

Create working hours that are generally operative
In order to create working hours that are generally operative, you must choose at least one day on which the working hours should be operative and the period in which the working hours should be created.

The weekdays are per default not marked. To the right, you will find two links to help choose the weekdays:

  • All days choses all weekdays
  • Business days choses only the business days.

Time period
With regards to the time period, you need to enter the time the working hours should be from and to. You can also create one or more intervals, where the intervals can be used to insert a fixed break, e.g. a lunch break with Interval 1 being from 09:00-12:00 and Interval 2 from 12:30-16:00. However, only one interval is necessary to create working hours. Click on ‘Create working hours' and the working hours have been created!

The working hours can now be viewed under ‘Existing working hours', where you can add additional working hours. Under 'Existing working' hours, you can delete the working hours by ticking 'Delete' at the specific working hours. Subsequently, click on 'Update'.

Please note! Holidays cannot be edited.

Please note! When working hours are deleted, bookings already made within the specific working hours will not be affected by the deletion. However, if you use GECKO Booking for keeping track of your employees' working hours, e.g. for salary purposes, it is recommended that you never delete working hours, as the deletion will have a retrospective effect. Consequently, this will result in inaccurate salary statistics. Instead, we recommend that you use period restricted working hours and create new period restricted working hours, when the employee's working hours are changed (see below). You are welcome to contact GECKO Booking's support for more information.

Create working hours that are operative in a certain period only
If you want to create period restricted working hours, e.g. if you in a certain period have longer opening hours than normal, you can tick the box ‘Period restriction', enter the period to which the working hours should be restricted, and then follow the procedure explained above.

Working hours are defined separately for each customer group. You can therefore devote e.g. Mondays to treat one customer group and then spend the rest of the week treating another customer group. See customer groups for more information.

Copy working hours
If you want to copy working hours from one calendar to another, click on ‘Save' at the bottom of the page. The information can be retrieved by clicking on ‘Insert' under the working hours of another calendar.

Search for working hours
All working hours created for a particular calendar can be viewed under 'Existing working hours'. However, if you have created many working hours, it can be difficult to determine, which working hours have an effect on a particular date. Therefore, you can search for working hours that affect a certain date or period. Enter the desired period/date at ‘Search date' and click on ‘Update view'. The list of working hours will now contain working hours that have an effect on the chosen date/period only. You can likewise view active working hours only, i.e. working hours that are operative on future dates, meaning that past period restricted working hours will not be shown.

Edit working hours

You have the option to edit the created working hours by clicking on 'Edit' next to the working hour you want to change.

You can make the following options:

  • Period restriction: Restrict the period in which the working hours are operative.
  • Day(s): Determine which day(s) the working hours should be operative on.
  • Available for booking: Determine if the working hours should be available for booking by customers in online booking (Tick 'Active customer booking') and for internal booking (Tick ‘Active quick book'). Creatd working hours will by default be available for both customer booking and quick book.

Example: If you want to have an hour after your regular working hours in which only you can book appointments, you can create this hour as working hours, and then remove the tick next to ‘Active customer booking'. This way, only you can book appointments in this hour via quick book.

  • Priority: Change the priority of the working hours – the higher the priority of the working hours, the higher the importance. This means that if multiple working hours that affect the same time have been created, the working hours that have the highest priority will win. By default, all working hours are assigned the priority '0'.

Example: You wish to only accept quick bookings in a certain time period, but in a particular week you want to accept online bookings too. In this scenario, you could create period restricted working hours for the particular week, which have a higher priority than the working hours that are normally operative normally. 

  • Time: Change the time of the working hours.
  • Operative weeks: Choose what weeks the working hours should be operative in. By default, all weeks are active (marked in green), but you can deactivate certain weeks (marked in red) by removing the tick at the specific week(s). Remember to click on ‘Update'. The current week is marked in grey.

Example: Operative weeks are often used in corporate customer agreements, where you have entered into an agreement about providing services e.g. every other week. 

Operative weeks are reused at the turn of the year, unless the working hours are period restricted.

Please note! Even though you have created period restricted working hours, all weeks will be shown as being operative. However, this has no effect, as the system takes the period restriction into account.

Closed due to holidays
When closing working hours due to holidays, we recommended that you close the working hours using the 'Holiday / Closed'-feature under 'Settings' or by date elaborated to ensure that all working hours have been closed.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

Please note! Some working hours cannot be deleted here, as they are holidays that are subscribed to, using the 'Holiday / Closed'-feature. These working hours close the calendar on the date(s) in question, and if you want to change this, you must unsubscribe to the holiday function.


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