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Guides - Settings


You can edit the settings for each calendar. This can be done by pressing ‘Edit' under ‘Settings' at the desired calendar in the calendar overview. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box at the setting you want to change. Remember to click on ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page!

General settings:

  • Name: Change the name of the calendar.
  • E-mail: Enter an email address on the calendar's owner to receive notifications by e-mail.  If you enter more than one e-mail address, you need to separate them with a comma (,).
  • Mobile: Enter a mobile number of the owner of the calendar to receive notifications by SMS.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

If you have entered an e-mail, you have the following options:

  • Daily overview: Receive an overview of next day's bookings every night at approximately 1 AM. The daily overview is in the language chosen in back-end.
  • Special overview: Receive an overview of a chosen period on a chosen day of the week.
  • New booking – E-mail: Receive an e-mail when a customer books an appointment (does not apply to quick bookings).
  • New Comment - Email: Receive an e-mail when new bookings are added, if the customer has left a comment. Please note! If the customer edits the booking, you will only receive an e-mail if the customer the second time around leaves a new message in the comment box.
  • Booking cancelled – E-mail: Receive an e-mail when a customer cancels an appointment (does not apply to cancellations by staff).

If you have entered a mobile number, you have the following options:

  • New booking – SMS: Receive a SMS when a customer books an appointment (does not apply to quick bookings).
  • Booking cancelled – SMS: Receive a SMS when a customer cancels an appointment (does not apply to cancellations by staff).

You can access the associated textboxes by pressing the 'go to text' next to the desired feature.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

Add a calender description:

  • Description: Enter a description of the calendar (or the owner of the calendar) that can be inserted in e-mails, using the code [KALENDERBESKRIVELSE].

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

iCal options:

  • iCal: Subscribe to one or more calendar(s), using the iCal format. iCal is supported by e.g. Outlook, Thunderbird, and many smartphones, including iPhone and Android mobiles. With this feature you can view your calendar without having to log in to GECKO Booking. See the iCal feature guide for more information.
  • Send link: If you wish to have your booking calendar synchronized to your phone, you can send the link directly from the booking system to your phone with SMS. Please note this feature requires the SMS Add-On.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

Please note! You can view your calendar, using the iCal feature, but you cannot make bookings or make any changes - iCal is only one-way only from the booking system to your unit.

Employee settings:

  • Employee: If you have purchased the Cash Register Add-On, you can link an employee from the cash register system to the calendar. If the calendar belongs to an employee, who also uses the cash register system, it can give you a better overview to link these two together. You can also create a new employee directly from the calendar by clicking on 'Create new employee'. Enter the name of the employee and click on 'Update'. The employee has been created and the calendar is automatically linked to this new employee.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

Service settings:
At the calendar settings, you can view and edit the calendar settings all of the created services. By ticking the box 'All', all services in the customer group are chosen.

You have the following options:

  • Plus/minus time: Adjust the duration of the service for this calendar only. This can be useful if e.g. a new employee or an apprentice needs 10 additional minutes in order to perform the service.
  • Active?: Choose which services the calendar offers. If manual adding of a service was chosen when the service was created, it is important to activate the service here.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

Service additions settings:
At the calendar settings, you can view and edit the calendar settings of all the created service additions. By ticking the box 'All', all service additions are chosen.

You have the following options:

  • Active?: Choose which service additions the calendar offers. Please note! Service additions in the inactive group cannot be booked despite the service additions being activated. If you want to enable booking of the service additions, you have to activate them on the service addition overview. See service additions for more information.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes! 

External calendars 

You have the oppotunity to connect your GECKO calendar to external calendars such as Exchange and Google Calendar. This means, that your appointments in the relevant external calendar will be transmitted to your GECKO calendar and be created as working hours, that can not be booked. It is not possible to see why an appointment is blocked in your GECKO calendar, other than it is an external calendar appointment. 

Read more information about how to import appointments from both Exchange and Google Calendar .

Delete a calendar
At the bottom of the page, you can delete a calendar. Deleting a calendar is permanent and cannot be undone. If you delete a calendar, all bookings in this calendar are deleted, as well as all statistics of attached bookings. Therefore, only the super administrator has access to deleting a calendar, and consequently you have to enter this login to confirm the deletion, when you have clicked on ‘Delete calendar' (see Login settings for more information about the super administrator login).

Please note! Deleting a calendar is permanent and cannot be undone. All bookings made in the calendar are deleted when the calendar is deleted. If bookings exist in the calendar, it is therefore recommended that you, before deleting the calendar, take it out of service and move the bookings to another calendar. 


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