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Guides - Create new service

Create new service

To create services, go to 'Booking' > 'Services'. 

On this page, you hgave an overview of all your services, and you can create (new) services. If you have several customer groups, remeber to choose which customer group you want to create the service in. This is done by selecting the desired customer group in the drop-down menu 'Show services for customer group', which you will find at the upper right corner. If you have many different services, you can advantageously divide them into service groups. 

To create new services, click at 'Create new service'. 

Service group: If you have created service groups, you should first choose in which group you want to create the service. You do this in the drop down menu.

Name: Enter the name of the service, e.g. massage, therapy or the like. Keep in mind that the name you enter here is the name displayed to the customer when (s)he books the service.

Type: Choose what type of service you want to create:

  • Regular service.
  • Class/course: Employed to create a class or course.
  • Customer-determined time: Employed when the customer determines the duration of the service. E.g. when the service is a premise.
  • Multi calendar booking: Employed when you wish to offer joint treatments to two or more customers at the same time. E.g. if a couple wishes to enjoy a massage on the same time.
  • Sale of item: Employed to sell vouchers via online booking (see Gift Voucher Add-On for more information).
  • Link: Employed to connect a class/course overview to the booking stage, meaning that the overview will be shown instead of the week view and 'choose time'. Please note! To be able to choose this type, you must activate service links under advanced settings.

Price: State here the price of the service in DKK

Book time: State here the duration of the service. It is very important that you choose the correct duration, since it is here you tell the system how long to book.

The customer sees: Determine the time, the customer should see that the service takes for him/her. You can use this feature to provide a break between different customers, for instance, by booking 60 minutes for the service in the calendar, but only display to the customer that the service lasts 55 minutes. Contrary, you can enter a longer treatment time for the customer than what you yourself use, e.g., if you treat the customer for 15 minutes, but the customer has to stay for 30 additional minutes. E.g. in connection with a vaccination or blod donation.

NB! It is not possible to create the service unless you have stated both the name and time of the service. 

Please note! The duration of the service must be able to be placed within the working hours of the calendar. For instance, a service with a duration of 50 minutes cannot be placed in a calendar that is only open for 45 minutes. It is often with class and course services that you need to be aware of this.

Finally, you have to choose, whether the service should be offered on all calendars, or if you want to activate the service manually on the calendars, offering the service. Manual activation is, for example, used in a company with multiple employees (with one calendar per employee), where some employees cannot perform the service. In this case you should choose ‘No, I'll do it manually', and then manually activate the service on the calendars that should offer the service. Contrary, if all employees can perform the service, the service should be offered on all calendars.

Click on 'Create service' and the service will now appear on the service overview. If you want to create the same service in a different customer group, this must be done manually (however, see Copy services to another customer group for more information).

If an employee cannot perform the service, the employee can deactivate the service under the settings of his/her calendar. Contrary, the service can be activated here if manual adding has been chosen.


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