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Guides - Service groups

Service groups

If you have created many services, you can divide your services into service groups, which can provide a better overview for both you and your customers. The use of service groups must be activated under ‘Advanced settings' (see Back-end. General for more information). When you have activated the use of service groups, new options are added to the service overview.

In the top right corner of the service overview, you can create a new service group by entering the name of the service group and click on 'Create group'. The group name could be e.g. 'Massage' if you offer many different types of massage and want to group these. Please note that the name you write here is the name that the customer sees, when (s)he wants to book a service from the group.

When you create a new service, you can choose which group to create the service in. If you want to move services to another service group, you tick the service(s) you want to move and choose (in the drop-down list under 'Do with ticked') which group to move the services to. Subsequently, click on 'Update ticked' and the services will now be moved. You can also copy the ticked service(s) to another group. The original service remains, but a copy is created in the chosen group. Please note that if you choose to copy a service, the same service will appear twice in quick book and online booking.

You can edit the service groups by clicking on the cog wheel opposite the group you want to edit.
Here, you can change the name of the service group, and add a background colour for the service selector. If you choose a colour, the name of the service group will be highlighted in the chosen colour. You can choose a colour by clicking on the symbol with the coloured squares. Please be aware not to choose too dark a colour, as it can make the name of the service group difficult or impossible to read. Finally, you can insert a line underneath the group name in the service selector, which provides a better overview. A line is inserted by default.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes.

Please note! If you have divided your services into groups, but afterwards deactivated the use of service groups, the services will remain unaffected. The service groups are simply just hidden and can be found by activating the feature again.


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