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Guides - Service overview

Service overview

The service overview provides you with an overview of all created services. Here, you can add, change, and delete services at any time. Please note that when you create and change services, you do so for one customer group only. Consequently, if you have multiple customer groups, you must choose which customer group you want to view services for at the top of the page. If you want to offer the same service(s) to multiple customer groups, you can copy services from one customer group to another.

At the top of the page you can see a list of the services you have created. Here you can:

  • Name: Change the name of the service. Opposite the name of the service you will also be able to see one or more icons. These icons can indicate the type of service, if the service has advanced time settings, if it is a service with breaks and if there are resources attatched to the service. 
  • Service additions: Click on 'Show' under the 'Service additions'-column at a service to add and/or change service additions for that service.
  • Settings: Click on 'Edit' under the 'Settings'-column at a service to change the settings of that service.
  • Price: Change the price of the service.
  • Missing item no. / linked to the cash register: If you have purchased the Cash Register Add-On, you can see whether the service is linked to the cash register system. If the symbol shows a linked chain, the service is linked to the cash register. If the symbol shows a broken chain, the service is not linked to the cash register. You can add an item number to the service under the settings of the service.
  • Book time: Change the time that the system books in the calendar for the service.
  • Show min: Change the time that the customer sees the service lasts when (s)he books it.
  • Active customers: Determine whether the service can be booked by customers, i.e. via online booking.
  • Active quick book: Determine whether the service can be booked by staff via quick book.
  • Move: Change the order of the services. By changing the order in the service overview, you likewise change the order of the services in quick book and online booking. The higher the number, the lower on the list. Which numbers are chosen is not important; it is the relationship of the numbers to each other that determines the order of the services.
  • Delete?: Delete a service.
  • Tick: If you have activated the service group feature, you can choose a service and perform an action with it - e.g. move it to another service group.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes! At the top of the page, you can also create new services.

Please note! If you delete a service, it only has an effect prospectively, meaning that bookings already made of the service are not affected by the deletion.


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