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Guides - Edit PDF report

Edit PDF report

The Form Add-On enables you to create a PDF report with the customer's answers. This report can be used internally in the company or it can be e-mailed to the customer. In order to create a PDF report with the customer's answers, a general PDF report for the form must be made. It is in this general PDF report that you determine which spaces and answers should be included in the report. This general PDF report is created by clicking on ‘Edit PDF report' opposite the desired form on the overview of forms.

At the bottom of the page you can create the pages that the PDF report should contain. In order to create a new empty report page, enter the name of the page and click on 'Create page'.

At the top of the page you can see a list of all report pages. You have the following options:

  • ID: You can see the ID of the page.
  • Name of page: You can see the name of the page.
  • Priority: You can change the priority of the page. The lower the priority of a page, the earlier it is shown in the PDF report. Which numbers are chosen as the priorities are not important as the system only cares about the priorities' relationship to each other.
  • Active: You can determine whether the page should be active. If a page is active, it is included when a PDF report is created with the customer's answers.
  • Edit template: You can change the template of the page. However, for the regular GECKO Booking user the standard template is sufficient. See Edit template for more information.
  • Edit content: You can change the content of the page, i.e. determine which questions and answers should be included on this page of the PDF report. See Edit content of PDF report for more information.
  • Delete: You can delete the report page.

Remember to click on 'Update / delete' to save any changes!


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