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Guides - Edit form answers

Edit form answers

You can edit the customer's answers to a specific form. This is done by clicking on 'Edit answers' opposite the desired form on the customer's profile. It is here that you can fill out the second part of the three-part form, i.e. the part that is filled out during the customer's treatment.

At the top left you can see a number of information about the form in question, including which customer filled out the form, the name of the form¸ whether the form can be edited (If the box is ticked, the answers can be edited), and when the form was filled out/created/edited (depending on the type of the form). At the top right you can retrieve a PDF report with the customer's answers. With simple forms you can retrieve the PDF report directly, whereas the report must be created before it can be retrieved for the three-part form. This is done by clicking on ‘Create report'. The three-part form allows you to send the PDF report to the customer by clicking on 'E-mail report to customer'. The PDF report with the customer's answers is automatically e-mailed to the e-mail address listed on the customer's profile.

Please note! Before you can create/retrieve a PDF report with a customer's answers, you must create a general PDF report in which you determine which spaces and answers should be included in the report (see Edit PDF report for more information).

At the bottom of the page, you can edit the form answers. Remember to click on ‘Update form' to save any changes. Please note that if you are editing a three-part form, multiple ‘Update form' buttons exist. You must click the button immediately below where you made your changes. By default, the customer cannot edit his/her answers, however, you can allow your customers to edit the answers to three-part forms under the settings of the customer group. If the feature is activated, the customer can edit the answers in online booking.


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