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Guides - Copy services to service additions

Copy services to service additions

You can create new service additions by copying your main services. This easy manoeuvre makes it possible for you and your customers to book more than one of your services at a time.

On the service overview, you need to tick the main services you want to copy to service additions. Then, scroll down to the optionsbox 'Do with ticked:' and choose 'Copy to service additions ...'. You must now choose whether you want to place the services in an already existing service addition group, or whether you want to create a new same named group. Subsequently, click on 'Update ticked'.

Hereafter, you need to select the main services on which the new service additions should be active. Please note that you need to do this seperately on each service addition. Go to 'Settings' > 'Service additions', click on 'Edit' opposite a service addition and open the tab 'Activate on services'. Subsequently, tick the desired main services. The service addition is then assigned the same item number as the attached main service, meaning that if the price changes on one of the services, it will automatically change on the other too.

Remember to click on 'Update' to save.


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