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Guides - Create new service addition

Create new service addition

You can create new service additions on the service additions overview.

At the top of the page you can create new service additions. You need to enter the name of the service addition. Please note that the name you write here, is the name that the customer can see, when (s)he books the service. Subsequently, you need to choose the group in which the service addition should be placed, as well as the price and duration of the service addition. It is very important that you choose the correct time, as it is here you tell the system how much time to book. Under ‘The customer sees' you can determine what duration the customer should see when (s)he wants to book the service. Here, the same rules apply as when you create a regular service. Please note! The duration of the service addition must be able to be placed within the working hours of the calendar. For instance, a service addition with a duration of 50 minutes cannot be placed in a calendar if the calendar is open for 45 minutes only. Finally, you have to choose whether the service addition should be offered on all calendars or if you want to activate the service addition manually on the calendars offering it. Manual activation is useful when you have multiple employees (with one calendar per employee) of which some of them cannot perform the service addition. In this case you should choose ‘No, I'll do it manually', and then activate the service addition on the calendars that should offer the service addition. Finally, press 'Create service addition' and the service addition has been created and appears on the list of service additions on the service additions overview.

As with copying of main services to service additions, you need to set what main services the new service addition should be active on. You do this by clicking on 'Edit' opposite the service addition after which you open the tab 'Active on services' and tick the desired main services.

The service addition is then assigned the same item number as the attached main service, which means that if the price is changed on one of the services, it will likewise be changed on the other.

You can create new services at any time.


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