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Guides - Edit service addition

Edit service addition

You can edit the settings for each individual service addition. This can be done by pressing ‘Edit' under ‘Settings' opposite the desired service addition on the service addition overview. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, press ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page.

By pressing the arrow in the grey bar, you can see and change all settings in the chosen category.

Under 'General settings' you can change a number of general settings for the service. You have the following options:

  • Cash register – Item No.: If you have purchased the Cash Register Add-On, you can enter an item number for the service addition. This makes it possible to pay for the service addition using the cash register system. When you have entered an item number, new spaces will appear (As shown in the screenshot). You can decide whether the service addition is an active item, change the name of the item, change the price of the item and go to a page showing additional item settings. See the guide Cash Register Add-On for more information.
  • Activate unit selector: You can enable your customers to book more than one unit of the same service addition. This could be used if the service addition is an item that the customer can purchase multiple units of. By default, this feature is not activated, and all service additions can be booked only once in the same booking.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!

Under ‘Activate on services' you can decide which services the specific service addition should be active on.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!

Under 'Resource settings' you can set your system to be able to automatically book a resource when a particular service addition is booked. The booking system will take into account whether the required resource is available and only show available times for the service addition where the resource is available too. The booking of the service addition and the booking of the resource happen separately meaning that the resource can be booked for a longer or a shorter period of time than the service addition. 

You can activate automatic booking of a resource under the settings of the service addition. You can access these settings on the service addition overview which is found under ‘Settings' -> ‘Services'. Press ‘Edit' under the column ‘Settings' opposite the service addition you want to activate automatic booking of resources for.

You have the option of activating automatic booking of up to three different resources. In order to activate automatic booking of a resource, tick the box 'Activate booking of Resource 1 when the service (addition) is booked' and more spaces appear (As shown in the screenshot).

If you have activated booking of one or two resources already, choose ‘Activate booking of Resource 2 when the service is booked' or ‘Activate booking of Resource 3 when the service is booked'.

You then need to choose which resource you want to activate automatic booking of. You can choose between activating booking of one or more particular resources or activating booking of a random resource in a particular resource group. If only one copy of the required resource exists, this resource must be chosen. If two or more copies of the same type of resource exist and it does not matter which resource is booked, these can be created in the same group. You can then choose to book randomly in this group. By choosing randomly between the resources, your chances of getting the most bookings in your calendar are optimised, as the service cannot be booked if not at least one of the resources is available; the more resources the system can choose between, the greater the chances of a resource being available at the time the customer wishes to book an appointment.

Du skal nu vælge, hvornår bookingen af ressourcen skal starte. Du kan vælge at starte ressourcebookingen på samme tidspunkt som bookingen af tillægsydelsen. Du kan dog også vælge at starte ressourcebookingen før eller efter tillægsydelses-bookingen ved hjælp af 'Start +/-'-funktionen. Hvis du ønsker det, kan du her indtaste hvor mange dage, timer og/eller minutter, du ønsker, at bookingen af ressourcen skal starte før eller efter bookingen af tillægsydelsen.

Herefter skal du vælge, hvornår bookingen af ressourcen skal slutte. Du har her samme muligheder, som da du bestemte starttidspunktet for ressourcebookingen.

Slutteligt kan du på tillægsydelsen angive, at denne ikke skal kunne bookes igen, hvis den allerede er booket på hovedydelsen eller en af de andre valgte tillægsydelser. Dette gøres under 'Ressourcen bookes som udgangspunkt 1 gang pr. tillægsydelse', hvor du kan sætte flueben i boksen ud for 'Hvis markeret, så bookes ressourcen kun en gang', og dermed bookes tillægsydelsen altså kun én gang. 


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