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Guides - Guide to login for other administrators

Guide to login for other administrators

Here you have the opportunity to add a pin code for the specific administrator. The pin code is used to update data, where a PIN protection has been added. Please note that you will get an error message at the top of your page if the "Password" and "Repeat (password)" are not identical or already exist on another administrator. 

For more information see ‘pin code settings'.

You can change the administrator's access under under the heading 'Has acces to'. Tick (or untick) the things you want the administrator to have access to and press ‘Update'. The administrator's access has now been changed!

Please note that the screenshot does not show all available rights.


You can also change which cash registers the administrator has access to (if the cash register add-on has been purchased). This is done by ticking the cash registers that you want the administrator to have access to under the heading 'Cash Registers'. Click on ‘Update' and the administrator's access has now been changed.


You can likewise change which calendars, the administrator should have access to. You do this by ticking the calendars that you want the administrator to have access to under the heading 'Calendars'. Click on 'Update' and the administrator's access has now been changed.

Here you can change which push notifications that must apply to this administrator. Push notifications are messages that appear on your screen even though the browser window is minimized. 

The first option is, that you can receive messages whenever you have a new booking and/or when a booking is deleted or changed. If a customer e.g. changes the time of his/her booking, you will receive a message about this. You can choose whether you wish to receive messages concerning bookings on todays date or always.


Your second option is that you can receive a message when the booking status is changed.

You can change a booking status e.g. when a customer arrives at his/her appointment.You can then write that the customer has arrived, and this message will appear on the screen in the other room with the employee who should treat this customer.You are to activate the 'Booking status' yourself under 'Advanced settings' and then it will appear under 'Push notifications'. Under 'Booking status' you can furthermore decide which employees/calendars that should receice which messages. In this way you can target the messages, in the sense that a
certain employee only get messages when his/her customer has arrived. 


The third option is that you can receive a message when you receive an incoming call via IP telephony. 

Activating push notifications when using IP telephony requires that this has also been activated generally under your login settings. Here you also need to create an url. Read more in this guide.

Read about how to activate these notifications . 

Please note! If you have not had push notifications activated before, you are required to log out and then in again to be able to receive the messages. 

Finally, by ticking the box IP Check, you can add an IP check to this administrator. An IP check entails that the administrator can log in from the IP address(es) you have entered only. You can therefore decide that your employees (as administrators) are allowed to log in from e.g. the clinic but not from home. In addition to activating the feature, enter the IP address the administrator should be restricted to logging in from and, if desired, a description of from where the login can occur. Press ‘Add IP'. The administrator has now been restricted to logging in from the entered IP address only. Please note that this IP check cannot be added to the super-administrator.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!


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