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Guides - Edit simple form settings

Edit simple form settings

The simple form has separate settings that do not apply to the three-part form. Among other things, it is here that you determine which services the form should be linked to.

The separate settings can be accessed from the ‘Edit form' page by clicking on ‘Edit form settings' located at the top right corner.

This option does not appear if the form consists of three parts.

You can change a number of simple form settings. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, click on ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page.

Three different categories of settings exist:

General form settings is relevant for all simple form types, however, the two remaining categories represent two different ways of using the simple form.

The consultation card represents a simple form that must be filled out immediately after a booking has been completed (i.e. before the service is performed), and it therefore represents a form that can be used to ask questions to help you prepare for the actual booking.

The satisfaction survey represents a simple form that is filled out after the service has been performed, and it can be used to calculate the customer's average satisfaction (see Satisfaction survey for more information about satisfaction surveys). By pressing the arrow in the grey bar, you can see and change all settings in the chosen category.

You have the following options:

  • Link: You can see the link of the form.
  • Allow access without login: You can determine whether an empty form can be accessed from the e-mail sent to the customer after the booking without the customer having to log in.
  • Lifespan: You can determine the lifespan of the form. The lifespan determines how often the customer is asked to fill out the same form. If the lifespan is set at e.g. 1 month, the customer will be asked to fill out the form once a month only – even though the customer might book the service every other week. If the customer books the same service within the lifespan of a filled out form, the form will be filled out with the customer's earlier answers. When the form is past its lifespan, the customer will be able to fill out a new form.
  • Remove back button, last page: You can remove the 'Back' button that is normally shown on the last page of the form.
  • Remove next button, last page: You can remove the 'Next' button that is normally shown on the last page of the form. Please note that if you remove this button, you must create an additional page to the form that does not contain any spaces. The page could e.g. contain the text 'Thank you for your time'. If you do not create this page, the customer's answers will not be saved.
  • Settings for development report: By clicking here, you can activate the use of a development report, which is a report that fetches and collects previous answers to this form and then displays them in chronological order in a single PDF-file with the latest first. You activate this by ticking the box opposite 'Report active'. Additionally, you can choose whether the report should include 1) all older forms, 2) all older forms current year, or 3) all older forms 12 months back, and you can edit the text to be included in the report template. If you wish a certain text to be repeated in every form, you can type this text in the 'Template repeat'-space and insert it in the 'Template'-space by using the substitution code [DEVEL_FORM_REPEAT]. This could, for instance, be answers from previous forms, which you insert into the 'Template repeat'-space using their corresponding substitution codes, found on the overview of questions/spaces. In practice, you access the development report by creating a form, on which the development report function is activated, on a customer's profile.

Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes!

A consultation card is a form the customer fills out after a booking, but before the completion of the booking, i.e. before the customer comes to you. This enables you to collect prior knowledge about the customer. You have the following options:

  • Show only if no form: If this box is ticked, the customer will not be able to fill out a new form, if a valid form already exists. This means that if the customer has filled out a form that is still within its lifespan, the insertion texts will not be shown and the customer will therefore not be asked to fill out the form.
  • Insertion text: You can enter the text(s) the customer should be shown when (s)he should be asked to fill out the form. In addition to entering a text, it is important that you insert the link to the form, as the customer otherwise will not be able to fill out the form. In order to insert the link, enter a text, e.g. 'Press here in order to complete the form', highlight the text, and press the button 'Insert / edit hyperlink' in the text editor (you can move the pointer over the buttons in order to see a description of what they do). When the pop-up box ‘Properties for hyperlink' appears, you must ensure that 'Type' is set at 'URL', 'Protocol' should be changed to '<other>', and you should write [FORMLINKURL] in the space 'URL'. Click on 'OK' after which the customer will be able to complete the form when (s)he presses ‘Press here in order to complete the form'. When you have written the desired text, you must insert the substitution codes for the text(s) you have written in the booking completed text, i.e. if you have written a text in the box 'Insertion text 1' that should be shown when the customer has confirmed a booking, you must write [SIMPLEFORMTEXT1] in the booking completed text (see Texts for more information). If you have written a text in 'Insertion text 2' and/or 'Insertion text 3' too, you must also here write [SIMPLEFORMTEXT2] and/or [SIMPLEFORMTEXT3]. The texts will be shown as part of the regular booking completed text, as the substitution codes will be replaced by the text that has been written here. Similarly, the substitution codes can be used in confirmation and reminder e-mails. The insertion texts are only shown, when the booked service is linked to the form.

Please note! As the text (and therefore the form) is shown when the regular booking completed text is shown, the described approach does not work if the Online Payment Add-On has been purchased, as the regular booking completed text is not shown when online payment has been activated. You must enter the substitution codes in all 'Online Payment - Last page' texts instead.

  • Services: You can determine which service(s) the form should be linked to. The customer will be asked to fill out the form when (s)he books a service to which the form is linked. Please note that a service can be linked to one simple form only. If you have created multiple simple forms, you will therefore only be able to choose the services that are not linked to another form already.

Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes!

A satisfaction survey is a form that the customer fills out after the completion of the booking, and which is used to calculate the customer's average satisfaction. You have the following options:

  • Activate satisfaction calculation: If this feature is activated, an average numerical value of the customer's responses is calculated, and the customer is assigned a score and a smiley on the basis of this calculation (see Satisfaction survey for more information about satisfaction surveys).
  • Send e-mail: You can determine whether an e-mail should be sent to the customer after the booking appointment. In addition, you can determine how many hours after the appointment the e-mail should be sent. The e-mail contains the link to the satisfaction survey. You can change the text of this e-mail by pressing 'Edit e-mail text'. Finally, you can determine after which services the e-mail should be sent. The e-mail is sent after booking of all services by default, but by removing the tick, you can choose the specific services after booking of which, the satisfaction survey should be sent.

Remember to click on 'Update' in order to save any changes!


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