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Guides - Satisfaction survey

Satisfaction survey

GECKO Booking's Form Add-On enables you to create satisfaction surveys that can be used to measure your customers' satisfaction. An average satisfaction score for each customer is calculated based on the customer's answers to the form, and the customer is assigned a smiley that enables you to easily see how satisfied the customer was after his/her last booking. An average satisfaction score for all of your customers is also calculated.

A satisfaction survey is a type of simple form that is e-mailed to the customer after a booking has been completed. In order to create a satisfaction survey, you must first create a simple form (see Create new form and then activate this form as a satisfaction survey (see Edit simple form settings for more information).

The customer's satisfaction is measured on a scale from 0-10, where a higher score indicates a greater satisfaction. The customer's satisfaction score is grouped in one of five satisfaction categories, and the customer is assigned the corresponding smiley based on the categorisation shown in the screenshot to the right. The satisfaction score is calculated based on the numerical value of the customer's answers to questions with multiple response options. In order for the satisfaction survey to be meaningful, it is therefore important that the numerical values you assign to the response options are based on this 0-10 scale; the least desirable answer should be assigned a numerical value of 0 and the most desirable answer should be assigned a numerical value of 10 (dee Edit form space for more information). The customer's latest smiley will be shown next to the customer's name on the customer profile, in the calendar views, in the cash register system, and on specific bookings.

When one or more customers have completed a satisfaction survey, a button will appear in the top banner that is visible on all pages of the booking system. The number of new satisfaction surveys is noted in the brackets.

When you press this button, you will be transferred to the satisfaction overview at which you can see a list of all completed satisfaction forms.

You can choose which period you want to view satisfaction surveys for at the top of the page. All satisfaction surveys completed in the chosen period are shown by default, but you can also choose to view satisfaction surveys that have not yet been reviewed only (see below).

In the list itself you can see a number of information about each satisfaction survey:

  • Created: You can see when the form was completed.
  • Customer: You can see which customer has filled out the form. By pressing the customer's name, you will be transferred to the customer's profile.
  • Telephone / mobile: You can see the customer's telephone and/or mobile number.
  • Score: You can see the customer's satisfaction score. The bottom score that is not linked to a specific customer represents the average satisfaction score for all customers in the chosen period.
  • Smiley: You can see the smiley that the customer has been assigned based on his/her score.
  • Show form: You have the option of being transferred to the customer's form (see Edit form answers for more information).
  • Reviewed: You can see whether the form has been reviewed. A form is not shown as having been reviewed until you have actively ticked the form as having been reviewed.
  • Tick: You can choose one or more forms that you in the drop-down list under 'Do with ticked' can perform an action to. You have the option of determining that the form has been reviewed, which means that the form has been seen. You also have the option of being transferred to the Marketing Add-On in which you can send an e-mail and/or a SMS to the chosen customer(s). Please note that this requires that the Marketing Add-On has been purchased.

Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes!

Please note! It is possible to determine which employees should have access to the satisfaction overview and which employees should have access to tick off forms as having bez


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