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Guides - Edit discount group

Edit discount group

By pressing 'Edit' opposite the desired discount group on the discount group overview, you can change the settings of the discount group.


Under 'General settings', you can determine whether the discount group should be active and you can change the name of the discount group. However, until the discount group is updated with items on which discount should be given, the discount group has no function.

Under 'Item groups with discount' you can offer a discount on an entire item group. Click on 'Add item group', and select the item and amount of discount stated as a percentage. The item group has now been added.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

Under 'Items with discount' you can give discounts on individual items. Click on 'Add item to discount group/code' and enter an item number or the name of the item. Then choose what percentage to give in discount. Click on 'Add' and the item and its discount are now added to the discount group. In this way, members of the discount group will receive the discount when they purchase the item in question. 

tem number and/or item nameand choose how great a discount should be given. The discount should be entered as a percentage discount. Press' Add' and the item is added to the discount group. This way, members of the discount group will receive the discount when they purchase the item in question. If you want to change the discount or delete an item, this can be done in the list of added items.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

Under 'Customers', you can see how many and which customers belong to this discount group. Here you can also choose to delete one, more or all customers from the group. If you have purchased the Marketing Add-On, you can send this customer list to the add-on in which you can also export the list to Microsoft Excel (See the guide Marketing Add-On for more information).


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